…and you are trying to be some sort of celebrity.
when did that become a good idea?
you online being narcissistic all day.
had me wondering if you own a shirt?
lord knows you own a camera.
they shoulda never gave some of ya’ll niggas camera phones….
so someone just left a comment about one of these wolves.
he was having a homophobic moment.
this one:
he just realized that his main fan base was men.
didn’t he know?
he should.
i rarely see vixens really talking about him.
so he decided to tarnish his brand by going on a homophobic rant on fb.
another one?
he seemed decent too.
another disappointment.
truth be told,
90% of vixens tend to think half naked men are all gay.
the ones we like and look at.
all that baby oil,
instagram filters,
and “smiling with your eyes”.
if you heard how females talk shit wolves with their shirts off…
they would probably throw up.
do these idiots know that females are very moody too?very fickle?
they treat these niggas how niggas treat them.
one minute they interested in your life.
next minute they aren’t.
he has about one good time to not look like a “husband” in their eyes.
say some shit to turn them off.
especially if all you are offering if some work out plan and pecs.
this is where we come in.
the biggest consumers.
gays tend to be more loyal.
we stick with you until the very end.
is this why shemar moore and boris kodjoe has a legion of gay fans?
i can’t blame the wolf 100% tho.
some gays can make them very uncomfortable.
yeah you just maybe the problem.
it’s one thing to be attracted to dude,
compliment him on his looks and be respectful,
but when it comes to the point of disrespecting someone’s space…
trying to be friends.
always blowing up their comments.
just lookin thirsty.
i see why they flip out and go on a tirade.
doesn’t make it right,
but i can see the point.
you come off annoying as hell.
then it don’t help the “peanuts” who make us look bad.
can’t hold water.
trying to drag someone out the closet.
so as much as we blame these boys,
and sometimes they are 120% guilty,
some of us also need to look at how we do things.
ask yourself..
How would I react if someone said/did that to me?
…then you may find your answer.
until they follow you and reply back to you,
stop callin these niggas ya’ll “homies”.
ya “homie” don’t even acknowledge you.
ya “homie” ain’t gonna call you a faggot either.
i don’t follow em.
they tend to be full of nothing.
i get all my fresh “meat” updates on tumblr.
they just niggas you want to fuck.
treat them as such.
I find it hard to believe that a man who posts half-naked pics of himself all day everyday would think that only women are looking at his pics. Its not as if these sites have a filter that says “Women Only”. At some point, one has to realize that once you put your images out there on the net…it is for everyone to look at. It will be very hard for him to break through the industry with that attitude. Do he not know that gays run the world lol!
On the flip side..we as the gay community has to become more respectful of the straight community. There are many guys on instagram, facebook, and other sites who are bombarded by comments from men lusting after them. This is after the man has stated that he is straight. If someone says that they are straight…we should have enough self-restraint to just look and carry on with our day. I have seen in several instances where and attractive guy has to tell people he is straight in the comments several times..and the gays are still commenting about how they want to suck their dick and everything in between. That is so disrespectful to me. At some point…he will become agitated and lash out, hell I’ve been pissed at some of the comments myself. Just look at the meat and keep it moving!
I really don’t care what people say about me good or bad. I have had women and men lust after me, so I have heard it all. I just laugh at some of the things that have been said. These people have to realize that looking good comes with attention, wanted and unwanted attention. Just be flattered and keep it moving. As long as no one touches you the wrong way accept what people say. It’s not like the people online who talk about you will ever meet you anyway.
If you are an attention whore, you should be able to accept what comes with the territory. Attention whores know what they are doing. They aren’t stupid….
I used to feel bad for these attention whores when all these thirsty ass queens would comment on their page. My philosophy was just to check them out and keep it moving, never commenting to another dude whether he be str8 or gay. Now, Im like “F” it, I dont care if they get in their feelings, a simple way is to get your ass off of social media, its 2013 if you think men are not looking at you, you are freaking naive. You stay in the gym, and stay taking your shirt off. I am really into the gym now and Im convinced that this is the most homoerotic place on earth. I dont trust any dude over 25 who lives in the gym worshiping their body that they are 100% str8 anymore, like I did when I first got into the gym scene. Im convince that most men in the gym are compensating for something that they missed growing up. I was a wallflower and nerd growing up who got picked on for my skin tone, so now it feels good to get this attention for my body, so I know these other dudes are no different trying to compensate for lacking attention growing up, none of these vain mfukka are doing this just for their health. I check dudes out all the time at the gym now that I got a gym body and they never say anything, if anything, they put on a show. My gym is filled with dudes who will put these attention whores to shame. One dude is so freaking gorgeous with body and mug, that I cant even look his way for fear of giving myself away lol. I wonder do white attention whores, and attention whores of other races have all these hang up like black men do about men admiring them. Many black dudes seemed to be stuck in their thinking and worried about stupid shit that doesnt matter. If you are genuinely str8 no matter what someone gay says to you or about you should matter. Dudes on social media who acknowledge and appreciate their gay fans rarely get out of line comments. Oh well this dude will and all others can get over it or start looking like Rick Ross, never once heard a gay dude go up about him
That comment about men being in the gym because they are compensating for something is not always true. I work out to stay in shape, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I think I’ve said this before, but I from 13 to 15 struggled with my weight. I gained a lot of weight in a short period and couldn’t fit any of my clothes. I wasn’t fat, but I was always skinny and I could see a difference in my body, not to mention the stretch marks. I lost all the weight, and I told myself I would never get overweight again. I don’t eat healthy as I should, so working out to keep my figure is a must.
The problem is attention whoring (conscious or subconscious) has become so ingrained in our current culture.
I don’t put any provocative pics on my instagram at all. Maybe a selfie every now and then, but my instagram consists mainly of places, food, shoes, and quotes I like) as well as group pics.
I don’t have anything on there anyone could right click and save and use in some other medium and piss me off. Nothing.
The problem with being a attention whore is you can’t always control who you’re getting attention from.
One can argue its an athlete thing, but I know plenty of athletes who DON’T start their day by taking the first of 5-7 shirtless or provocative pics.
You are aware that only gay men and thirsty women like those kinds of pics right?
I follow tons of fitness instagrams (with guys that make some of these attention whores look average) and they don’t have this problem at all because they mix up their body pics with fitness advice and cooking recipes.
Most of these dudes want likes and validation and they get it. Simple.
^if these attention whores realized their whole fan base is actually dudes,
when they turn them off,
their whole “likes” will be half of what they usually get.
im convinced a majority are bicurious.
females really don’t like that half naked thing.
I can’t relate at all. I guess I’m the complete opposite of those type of dudes.
I’m telling you though, check out the instagrams from REAL fitness fanatics with nice bodies versus these attention whores. The fitness fanatics present themselves in a certain way and they get respected as such.
^because that is their career.
they understand their brand.
they don’t get into this picture bombin instagram is knowing for.
everyone is a “something” online,
but you can tell who is about something .
who told you they don’t know. They ignore it and make a comment if SOMEONE else ‘notices”
Yup there you go, guys work out for each other. Hence the “nice beach body bro” (you always gotta end it with bro, homie, bruh, my nigga to counter the gayish undertones)
lol gays tend to be very gullible and have this innate desire to be LOVED and wanted.. i don’t understand it. only people ive met who seem to be logical are people who ‘mess with men’ not gay per se & a handful of gay guys. i swear mofuckers who come at me with that bruh, brah shit that look like muscular queens are freaking irritating as hell. saying yes to everything and trying so hard to be “stereotypical” – asking me about shoes, smoking, drinking, – oh so real men all do that – wannabe mentality. your arquez tried that bloody shit – it’s annoying. be a man, a freaking man nigga, you are one, you pee standing up, you dont need to go out of your way to wear timberland boots to act like a man, don’t act be – this is what irritates people with faggies (gays) if yall just be men (can be feminine in your room or be an effeminate MAN) people wont be spiteful
i wouldn’t go under anyone’s comment box and leave a comment.
now i gets it in on my blog.
this is my world.
my realm.
my foxhole.
i can say what i want.
its all about respecting boundaries.
who is the wolf ? expose him
F**k him…and the stairmaster he strolled in on. NEXT!
Gay men tend to get out of line if they think you’re attractive with a nice body. I mean, look at some of the comments people leave on some of these “Meat” posts. Now imagine that being front facing.
It’s disrespectful.
I can only speak for myself and say that I’ve had some incredibly disrespectful shit said to me. Comments left on my pictures.
It got so bad that I would have to delete the comments. Now, I’m more careful about who I allow on my page.
That said, you have to know what to expect when you put yourself out there to be admired. Women ain’t checking for these naked ass pictures. Women aren’t physical creatures in that respect. They’re more emotional. Post your attractive face and some deep Instagram picture-quote about love. That’s how you get bitches.
Further, lets stop and think. Is the disrespect really the issue? Or is it the individual delivering it? Something tells me if an attractive “woman” (because I’m not convinced he’s straight to begin with) made some of the lewd comments, he’d be down.
Disrespect is disrespect. Either you’re for it or you’re not.
I have to agree with you. It’s a double edge sword situation.
^”That said, you have to know what to expect when you put yourself out there to be admired. Women ain’t checking for these naked ass pictures. Women aren’t physical creatures in that respect. They’re more emotional. Post your attractive face and some deep Instagram picture-quote about love. That’s how you get bitches”
i agree with you and everything you said 100%.
hell, 200%
i don’t know why they haven’t figured this out yet.
gays don’t respect themselves, why should they expect any form of respect {same applies to bitches who don’t respect themselves}.
lies the whole point of the pic is usually to flex and stunt. the more ‘females’ appear thirsty on a pic, the more ability for a nigga to stunt about how these females can’t get enough. so the standard reply to a female who comments shit like “id lick u, etc” is “lol” to make u look more desired
^ive noticed females like a pretty face.
they like a handsome man.
guys work out for each other.
just like females dress up for each other.
“they shoulda never gave some of ya’ll niggas camera phones”