we have covered a lot of baller wolves who have come out of the closet.
michael sam being the most prominent one of them all.
baller wolves seem to come out because they were about to expose by some jackal.
better to spill your own tea before someone else can.
another nfl baller wolfcame out today on ig.
his name is carl nassib and he plays for the raiders…
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and to the point.
a straight shooter is just how i love it.
this is what he wrote to accompany the video:
carl is cute too:
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typical all american look.
i really liked his past appearance on “hard knock life“.
he seems very smart about his money:
well congrats to carl!!
i would love to squeeze on that bicep…
shake his hand for his bravery.
lowkey: they are saying carl makes history as the “first openly gay active baller wolf”.
i swear there was another baller wolf to claim that.
Oh ok Jamari, I didn’t expect you to be open to getting it clapped this kinda dude but I guess if it’s a baller wolf you can try having your steak medium rare. I can’t hate the though, I would try people that aren’t my type for the right coin.
Anyway I live that more open gays are being successful and rich. I hope for many big dicks or big jiggly booties (shiiiit or both) in his future.
Why did he come out? Who asked for this? Why not remain private? Something else is going on. As far a Michael Sam is concerned, he showed that he didn’t give a damn about Black gay men when he came out. I will never ever forget him sharing a freaking wedding cake with that now long lost white lover of his. What happened to that loving relationship? Hmm. Michael was surrounded by white people and the HRC whose media campaign for him simple self-destructed.
Who cares. I am so tired of whities being able to live so freely with all the accoutrements their skin color affords, while Blacks are constantly and consistently judged. I am sure there are quite a few Black players who would like to come out but know that doing so will be the kiss of death for their careers. Very sad. Sick of society.
Not everything is about race. Congratulations to Carl!
OK…. BRAVO……blah, blah, blah. This news only further shows how fucked up we are as a PEOPLE who claim morality for everything under the sun and yet we still have child slavery, child pornography, pedophiles and the list goes on. Society is still concerned who everyone sleeps with. But that’s another conversation.
Good for Nassib to come out comfortably and without persecution and can afford to ‘come out’ and declare to the World he is gay. Okay..so what now? Are gay people richer today as a result of this announcement or just this organization that got 100K richer?
Its good for Nassib to ” Come Out” but have you looked at his color? HE’S WHITE. He’s entitled. He’s protected. He’s OK. I’m not going to jump on the roof and applaud, unlike Sam whose black ass got a totally different reception. Watch how suddenly all of the players, especially the Black players, will embrace Nassib and cal him strong, and proud and blah, blah, blah. It has already started and so this shows the CONTINUED racism and inequality that exists in HaMurderka and the World. Also shows how black people STILL yearn for acceptance and tacitly approve white people’s actions. I call that the Whitening of the Black mind. It working. Some of our black athlete’s mind is so white, they cant even sleep with a black woman or man. But, that’s another conversation.
So good for Nassib. Wont change a damn thing for white people, only emboldens them but for black people they still have to go to their grave hiding who they are and living a lie to themselves and to their family BECAUSE we make it our business to want to know WHO EVERYBODY sleeps with, and who is married and who has kids and who is blah, blah, blah. Humanity does not get any marks from me. It has its priorities wrong and its morals backwards. We are amazing creatures but flawed. As we get older as a society we get wiser, Hopefully, one day someone like Nassib and Michael Sam will not have to spend time and energy telling the world who the fuck they sleep with, forcing tacit acceptance, from a society who really don’t give a fuck anymore.
Society will evolve and sex will keep evolving.
Preach Brotha, I felt this deep down in my soul!
I’m sure the white ghey IG thots, escorts and circuit queens are pouring out in his DM’s as we speak
He’s already been in theirs I’m sure.
I was with the bag of flour until his arrogance surfaced. The journalist commented about Russell Wilson being in the one percent of NFL after girl stated the wealthy one percent are the top picks and contract signer. He snubbed Russ and said: “Maybe”
I’m sorry
Sissy what??? Russell has the 4th highest contract of all time and he is really smart with his money. Also, it’s tacky at the very least to negatively comment on a potential coworkers salary.
A lot of these young athletes need media training. That comment was unnecessary. What if you get traded to the Seahawks? Russ cool and professional but you never know he may free agent that ass.
Now we need Odell next to come out lol
I laughed so hard at this comment
He’s flamboyant not gay. Y’all ladies stay reaching.
I love Myles Garrett [ one of the brothas eating in the the 1st video]. That is my NFL, Thick, Bodied Crush! Every since I saw him in the ESPN Body issue.
Also Carl seems comfortable around Bruthas and he is kind of cute ( F A W B)
Yes indeed Myles is the truth!

Carl will be just fine, he’ll live happily ever after, get all kinds of endorsements, probably a reality show! Watch what I tell ya’ll, he’ll be accepted more than any black man ever could
^which is the legit truth tbh
Good for him, although the humble brag was eyeroll inducing. “I have the best life”. I am sure you do.

The mistake Michael Sam made was trying to be this woke LGBTQ hero before even coming into the league and him being black didn’t help
Carl played it the smart way even though I hate the fact he wasn’t open before going into the league now let’s see how long he lasts, hopefully a year or two he won’t become a “distraction” and he suddenly vanishes from the team.
I’m pretty sure all the straight black hotep players are gonna welcome him with open arms but let it had been a black gay player…….
^ you said every single thing i was thinking.
michael sam fumbled the bag.
carl seems like he still wants to remain private even though he announced it.
we will see how this goes.