After that Trey Songz post, I scheduled an appointment to get my eyes checked.
Is there something I am missing when it comes to looking at someone and telling if they are a:
WOLF (could mean straight too…)
I am going to put up a couple men in entertainment and sports.
Your goal?
I want YOU to post who you think is a Fox? Wolf? or Hybrid?
Maybe even a WHY you think so…
Big Sean
Chris Brown
Kanye West
LaRon Landry
Idris Elba
Devin Thomas
The Game
This should be a good one…
This is fun, let’s see
Big Sean – wolf
Usher – Hybrid
CB – wolf
Kanye – wolf (I know right?)
Laron – Hybrid
Idris – Alpha Wolf
Devin – Fox (sorry J)
The Game – Wolf
Diddy – Wolf and occasional Hybrid with guys he’s close to
All wolves except usher… That’s a ladii. Those with hybrid tendencies would have to go to Chris(tina) when she needs her fix and Big Sean because he’s so fine even wolves get at him.
I think most of the categorizing has to do with their perceived level of masculinity which as we know isn’t always the case.
^^Usher is definitely a diva.
I think they are all wolves with the exception of diddy and chris brown (hybirds) I think they can flipped with the right amount of ciroc.. Lls
just from things i have heard…and my run ins with him out in nyc…hes a wolf
Hybrid – he has that vibe that says I don’t mind scratching your back if you scratch mine
Fox – everyone dreams he would be a wolf but my radar goes Fox all the way, although Diddy might have turned him into a Hybrid
Hybrid – thats one Hybrid I would not mind topping!
Power Bottom – lol she has way too much attitude for me but i cant hate she a star
Wolf – no questions.
Wolf – ALL THE FUCKING WAY…(dribbles) did you see his bulge in Takers? – fans –
Wolf – I still have high hopes for him
Wolf – yea definitely…he would more than likely get his cakes eaten though possibly a finger on the sly
Hybrid – oh come on! that is so easy…
I think Idris a wolf, the rest are likely hybrids (wolf hybrids – Game, Big Sean, Laron) & I can’t see Diddy as anything but a fox. Yes he has a lot of money & power, but in bed that bamma is getting the pipe.
diddy is a wolf
Are you talking from personal experience? lol
Iont see it…like in porn when they have those flip-flop scenes & you can tell the dude is really not into topping…he’s gotta work to get hard & stay in
^i knew it would be porn somewhere with u lol
^nuh uh
Diddy is a Wolf…
i came up with different HYBRIDS
HYBRID 1- GUYS I SEE AS A FOX/STR8 WOLF/OR A VIXEN as in a bit of woman in bed even when they are with a woman
HYBRID 2- GUYS I SEE AS A GAY WOLF/YET A VIXEN in bed with a woman
^I like when you break things down…how did you cum up with these?
I always like your judgment along with YBW.
Heres my shadiest comment
Hybrid1-Gay Fox/Str8wolf/Vixen(Big Sean Usher Chris Brown)….Hybrid2-Gay Wolf/Str8 Vixen(Devin Thomas, Game)….Hybrid3-Bi..Gay Wolf/Str8Wolf(Kanye,Idris,Diddy)…. Str8Wolf(Laron)
^^Stylez break that down again???
I’m lost lolol
in order str8 wolf,hybrid,hybrid, wolf hybrid (u know my story mr landry jamari),wolf, hybrid, fox,fox
Omg wat story? Lol
Jamari know exactly what I’m talking about lol
I think they are HYBRIDS except the game (wolf) and kanye & diddy (foxes). They just give off that ‘ill fuck you but I dont mind gettin fucked occasionally’ vibe. Laron Landry can get it though!! I think I found a new boo…
^^I heard Diddy, LaRon, and Kanye are actually Wolves.
Game looks like he would only be down for Wolfing.
Usher has no tail…
so I’m guessing Hybrid LOL
Lol I can’t picture kanye wolfing anybody lol. But that’s what I heard too