i’ll never forget a foxholer many years ago tell me:
“Such-n-Suc0 Attentionisto is half naked so he shouldn’t be offended if males send him dick pics.”
i found that logic to be strange.
so because someone is showing skin,
they deserve to be met with nudes when they never asked?
that sounds similar to vixens who get sexually harassed being half-naked.
“She was wearing that skimpy outfit so she was asking to be raped,” they said.
sexy wolf of the moment,
coach kellz,
got asked a question that some were confused about.
it was about straight attentionistos having a problem with gay followers.
he mentioned sometimes it can be disrespectful…
GAYS I’m calling a Community Meeting????
Moisturized Bae said what he said and I’ma stick beside him. A lot of y’all are indeed VERY disrespectful towards some of these STRAIGHT MEN like they OWE you something.
A lot of y’all also direct that “GAY BAITING” shit at the wrong ones. pic.twitter.com/jeKPGjHh6i— ZaddyMackDaddy
????️???? (@QshonBuckingham) February 17, 2023
don’t people get embarrassed anymore?
that someone has to tell grown-ass adults how disrespectful and uncomfortable that shit can be.
Has anyone here ever been in a situation where a thirsty-ass jackal made them feel uncomfortable?
i had that happen to me a few times irl and i felt powerless.
i think some gay males need to get a taste of their own medicine.
some of these jackals really need to experience that for it to click.
i agree with everything being said and stated tho.
Straight wolves don’t owe us ANYTHING.
They may like the attention,
the likes,
and the coins but thats as far as it goes.
if they want more on some “on the low” shit,
they’ll let you know but don’t expect it.
stop trying to force it too.
your ass is fat or your pipe is big.
you suspect they might be into the same sex.
they might actually be into the same sex.
Why is PERVERTEDNESS AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT the first thing being sent as your introduction to someone’s space?
isn’t that weird?
even if HE sent me that shit as HIS introduction to me,
i’d be sus af and turned tf off.
lowkey: i blame parents and society for not teaching us how to have manners.
I normally delete and block the individual for sending me nudes I did not ask for.
Hey Foxhole its been a while since I commented, and it has been so many good topics as usual that I was going to comment on but didn’t due to being busy with work and life. Finally got a little downtime so let me start with this dude. Admittedly, I have been a dude in the past who would go out of my way to speak up and defend str8 dudes from those evil thirsty gays who would dare disrespect their fragile persona’s online with their comments, but not anymore. This dude is a good looking dude no doubt, but it is nothing special or spectacular about him that makes him stand out from any other number of good looking dudes on this world wide web. I am now a full fledge gym head myself; not how I started when I first started coming to the foxhole, so when you build your body you are going to have fans. When I post shirtless pics they are going to get way more likes than one in my shirt and the things I have gotten in my DM’s and mind you, I am far from being a heartthrob, but I have gotten some interesting messages and photos sometimes from people I had no idea that they like the same thing I did. This dude along with the rest of these dudes who are so damn offended are full of $hit, trust me if it is someone that you are attracted too like a fine female sending you explicit pics you are not going to say a word. Although it may be inappropriate, at the end of the day you are grown and you put yourself out there when you post thirst traps and he post thirst traps all the time on top of having or had an Onlyfans, he is being very disingenuous. You dont have to make an announcement just start blocking or better yet cut off your comments but you wont because you thrive off of the likes and engagement and if you are trying to model or act, advertisers don’t care about anyone sexual preference they care about the green and they want you to bring as many people as possible to the table to buy their products. He is just another in a long line of attentionista’s who think they are more important that what they are because of all the attention and cheerleading that their fans give them. Many of these dudes who started out saying all of this end up on Onlyfans bucked naked spread eagle and liking all of the dirty comments.
The twitter I saw of his wasn’t even a thirst trap. It was fitness pics, w a few selfies, and some reposts. And while I obvs don’t know, I’d assume he’s complaining about disrespectful comments/dms, not general compliments. Yall are trippin if yall are trying to put the onus on that man for ppl being inappropriately thirsty on his page. I was thinking his page was full of almost nudes and teasers of an only fans or something. SMH.
The question itself was beyond desperate. Spend coins on men you actually have a chance with. You know…GAY ONES!
So many gay men have no self-worth and then want to call straight dudes homophobic. Um, it’s the ones who beat up and rob and say the f-word, not the guy who sells a FANTASY to support his baby mother/girlfriend/wife and his children.
With that logic, every actress/actor who does a sex scene should become pornstars. Like..use common sense. It’s a FANTASY.
Look you can’t have your cake and eat it. U can’t expect to flaunt your sexuality, gay or straight, on PUBLIC social media, and don’t expect to be cat called. I’m sorry life don’t work like that. It’s like a lady wearing no underwear and visibly walking down the street and don’t expect to be hassled.
Gay and straight people are NOT monolithic. There are and will be outliers. Sorry but that’s life. We can talk all we want, we can bash them all we want, don’t make a difference. Some of them will cat call and make sexual innuendos when they see anyone flaunting their sexuality, gay or straight, on Social media.
All he can do is do what he says he will do and block the offenders but he cannot stop them no matter how much he tries. He did say it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman that comments either. Good for him. At least he’s balanced and fair. Eventually his audience that he is working so hard to attract will get the message and make comments but not those that offend him. But he must realise he’s in the hot heated kitchen. If he can’t take the attention then get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Now see… when u post most of the thirst trap dudes everybody be goin crazy for, I look and be like, ‘he aiiight, or whateva…’ , but this mofo right here??? THIS is a DIME! His face alone is gorgeous. Those lips alone. More of THIS please Jamari! Damn this mofo is fine!!
Well he’s gonna have to continue blocking people because that’s the nature of the internet. He can complain all he wants but there are millions of people using the internet. And many will continue to say and do as they please regardless of how he feels. If it’s such a big problem he can delete and coach off the internet.
I’m getting tired of people purposely pursuing certain careers then whining about it. It’s like when people become famous from singing or acting then complain about having no privacy. You knew what putting yourself out there in this way entailed. Either quit and go away or learn to navigate it.
All of the above!
Tell him to shut up and show us his dick and cakes in peace.
I don’t harass anybody online or in real life, if you showing dick or got a fat ass I will be checking you out. I can look without touching or commenting. That’s what your friends are for so y’all can gossip in peace 
These “Straight ” Attenionistas are getting exactly what females have been getting from them for decades. Stop complaining . I think they are just embarrased cos the whole world can see the comments .
My advice is to shut up and keep your ” Likes” comming.
[ I love the “Straight” fellas who realize this and accept,,, and in some cased like their Gay followers attention .
The one’s who complain come across as dumb to me .
^was he complaining tho?
Hello Jamari
I really appreciate your work and blog.
But why do you keep on reporting the same kind of stories?
“A Straight man who doesn’t like to be chased/desired by men »
There are so many thread about this subject
Why is that ?
^it was sent in so i posted it.
you are welcomed not to read it if its not what you are looking for.