christopher matthews wants to coach you so you can take (life) it by the balls

when i think of a life coach,
i think of someone who is going to help me find a sense of direction.

they understand my needs,
or lack their of,
and try to help me find the right path for my life.
they will be tough but still gentle enough for me to understand.
i’d require someone who has been properly trained and has credentials.
i want to see reviews from past clients as well.
i require a lot when it comes to coaching me for success.

It seems that attentionisto,
Christopher Matthews aka @kingedcam,
is trying to do something different.

a Foxholer sent me a drop that he wants to coach you to take it.
by take it,
i mean life by the horns because he is getting into the life coaching business

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the snap files that i don’t think kai cenat wanted lil nas x to see

What a plot twist.

you ever had a male act real funny towards you?

for the life of you,
you couldn’t understand why.
he was standoffish and weird with no logical reason.
vocally expressing why he don’t fuck with you.
remember when twitch attentionisto,
kai cenat,
dragged lil nas x all over his stream?

he had all these folks like “huh?”.
well and allegedly

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yay! more fighting on reality tv! we haven’t seen that before!

when trash reality tv first dropped in the mid 00s,
fighting was the main draw on shows like bad girls club.

it was fascinating to see “real life people” doing this on tv.
when trash reality tv gave randoms storylines with lhhatl in 2011,
we tuned in because “such and such” had beef and by reunion time,
we just knew that they were gonna get “tah” boxing.

we have seen fighting over and over and over and over and
you get the idea.
so when natalie nunn and joseline decided to act like feral animals on “something”…

Continue reading “yay! more fighting on reality tv! we haven’t seen that before!”

usher got a knockout by diddy that sent him to the hospital?

“Now why am I in it?” Usher in his Nene Leakes voice.

folks are trying to get usher caught up (see what i did there?) in diddy’s mess.
ever since diddy got exposed by cassie,
the forests have been barking loud about his alleged bts behavior.
apparently and allegedly,
diddy put usher in the hospital at one point?…

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kelsey nicole decides to break her silence on a podcast rather than in court in 2022?

remember after the rih and chris brown debacle,
chris brown defenders were all like:


i always asked if they were in the trunk and i was met with silence and grimaces.
i love playing devil’s advocate with these hoes.
the next week or month after the incident,
he throws a chair through a window at gma and i’m met with:

“They were picking on him and they made him angry asking him questions!”

i concluded there are a lot of simple bitches out here.
so i saw today that in megan and tory debacle,
kelsey nicole who was the best friend of megan and full blown attentionista,

is going to “speak” on some podcast:

not this dateline exclusive podcast.
and i think many of us are collectively here to let kelsey know

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the attentionistos that are interesting, kinda interesting, or pissed everyone off

I don’t know if I ever told the Foxhole but I use to image consulting in the PR field.
It was with a bootleg company but it got my paws wet.

with these conversations about interest,
i wanted to pull some attentionistos up of the past,
and future.

ones who are just there,
“interesting but…”,
and the interesting.
these are my personal thoughts but i’m welcome to change my views.
this may be controversial but we like a little chaos in the Foxhole…

Continue reading “the attentionistos that are interesting, kinda interesting, or pissed everyone off”