i want to normalize some things in my life and yours

can we normalize

…it’s okay to not be okay?
That life can suck and the issues you have can make you feel low.

You don’t have to be filled with toxic positivity because it’s “what you’re supposed to do”.
Instead of trying to ignore the issues,
or try to be positive in hopes they’ll disappear,
why not go through and feel all the feelings?

You cannot manifest better outcomes if you’re being fake.

… that you will people who don’t understand will drop off from your life?
When you fall from grace,
you will see other people fall off too.
…and when/if they fall from grace,
and they come to you looking for energy.,
you WILL remind them how they made you feel even if it hurts their feelings

…some people don’t know how to read the room?
They will YAP,

YAP about themselves because we trained them to be that way.
We have to re-train them into understanding you don’t want to hear about them atm.

…that it’s normal to have suicidal thoughts when you’re at a low place?
Acknowledging you have the thought,
letting it pass,
and reaching out to someone that makes you feel safe is the right approach.
Don’t make any final decisions until you speak with someone.

Many of our issues can be solved if we reach out to those who care about us.

…its okay to deactivate social media,
maybe tell others you are taking a break,
and going ghost until you figure it out?

There will be times you are updating heavy or have nothing to show for yourself.
Some people will un-follow because they need constant stimulation and that’s totally fine.

Learn the power of goodbye.

… that if you have rich friends/family who aren’t helping,
or at least connecting you to networks to help you,
they gotta go?

What if the point of being rich if you aren’t helping those in need?

… that you don’t have it figured out?
Right now,
you’re feeling lost AF and trying to find direction.
It’s okay to set up camp where you’re feeling lost.
At some point,
your internal compass will direct you to a new start.

That can happen in a hurry or for a long while.

…to take advice but not follow it if it doesn’t feel good?
It’s okay to take or not take the advice.
Sometimes it works in that moment,
doesn’t work at all,
or will work on a later date.

…its okay to take mental health day,
or year?

Sometimes the struggle can be so heavy,
it can take a minute to get back on your feet.

…that it’s okay to not show up how people know you as?
When you are going through it and people know you as “on”,
that doesn’t mean you always have to be that way.
Being “on” takes energy and if your energy is already low,
that can make you irritated and have an attitude.

You have tolerated and dealt with others and their “off” moments.

…that calling bill collectors can make you feel anxious?
It’s scary to know that you have debt and confused how to pay it.
Let them know what is happening in your life and see if they have any options for hardship.
Remind them that before you fell,
you paid your bills on time.

…that its also okay to remind people who you are too.
If they can’t remember when you showed up for them,
they aren’t good people and gotta see the exit.
If people forget your character,
you have to remind them.

…that it’s okay to go back and enjoy things we did as kids if it makes us feel better?
Playing video games,
watching cartoons,
puzzles and Lego’s,

listening to music we loved as kids,
or indulging in our favorite comfort foods.

what the doctor orders is going back in time and feeling joy again.
It’s not always about dissociating ourselves with drugs and random sex.

…it’s fine to cancel plans if we aren’t in a good space?
it’s great to go out and be around other people.
Other times,
you don’t have the energy to be bothered
You don’t have to be at every cock fight and ribbon cutting if you’re going through it.

...that it’s okay to question where is God?
you’ll be so mad,
you’ll go off on him too.

You won’t get struck down by lighting or the ground will swallow you straight to hell.
God knows you are not happy already and understands your disappointment.
Building a relationship with God where he understands how unhappy you are is normal.

Being a foundation of honesty with your higher power is always a good idea.


we need to normalize being human and having human reactions when things are not good.
life ain’t no filtered social media post.
people have become brain rotted with (many) of their online lives.
our lives can be real,
and moody
some eras we are up; others are down.

That’s fuckin’ okay.

… and unfortunately,
we try to do everything in our power to avoid feeling real shit.
let’s normalize being honest with ourselves first.

lowkey: i cannot begin to font highly enough of the gems on the ray of light album.
these new pop gals can’t and won’t.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!