Say Goodbye to Lance Gross

Screen Shot 2015-05-23 at 11.35.55 AMi’m going to try and write this one without weeping.
okay there goes a tear…
anyway word in the forest is that lance gross and rebecca jefferson,
his fiance and baby’s mother…

…are allegedy tying the knot this weekend.
our foxhole fav,
and my personal style icon:

is putting a ring on it and giving everyone the:
its too be expected.
one of his wolf guests included:

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*knock knock*
“house keeping!”

iTV9cnhsXIeFSagain congrats to lance and becca!
many more years of happiness for these two!

*puts his wolf card in the vault*

*all pictures credited to owners

10 thoughts on “Say Goodbye to Lance Gross

  1. Nah, no one can replace Lance Noacid. Congrats to his fine ass and his fiancee. He comes off as such a good dude.

    Eva is weeping.

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