is it me or has nfl baller wolf,
stefon diggs,
gotten finer?
i always thought he was fine but he been drinking some “make a negro finer” water.
not only is he finer,
i’ve always loved his charisma but how comfortable he is in his own skin…
i’m into this man clutch situation.i saw king agu with a green one that was dope.
i love he gives no f’s about how extravagant as he dresses:
don’t let the clothes and bags fool you.
he looks like he will “diggs” you out something serious.i think he had that one vixen he was with sprung on that penis.
i’ll allow stefon to “diggs m…

lemme stawwwwwpppppppppppppp.
i’m trying to be a better fox.
lowkey: these cornrows in his hair >>>
i hate when he does the dis-shelved afro look.
Stephon Diggs is kind of interesting to me. He’s definitely attractive, but like you mention I think it depends; for me he needs to be photographed at the right angles, have the right hairstyle, right clothes and then he is top tier attractive. I think I first noticed his attractiveness when he was on the celebrity episode of “Family Feud”.
I’ll pass
He is spicy and I find that to be delicious. His confidence is splendiforously splendiforous.
I would dig through his closet.
Yes…yes I would!
Wooooo mmhmm