I bet you don’t even see the fellow Fox’s face…

…bet you didn’t even see me slip your wallet out your back pocket either.
FOXES: dinner on the Wolves!


13 thoughts on “WOLF MEAT (51)

  1. With a pose like that he’s looking ‘foxy’!!!!! I’d smash it good and proper!

  2. YngBlkWolf :
    *scratches out love, replaces with โ€˜lustโ€™* youโ€™re welcome.

    Yeah, that works better. Thanks Wolf. *penis pat.

    1. No problem. You keep that patting up & you’ll have to deal with him… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. He looks like a million bucks. Jamari where are you finding these great white wolves from???

  4. I noticed the term “fellow fox”…. Jamari, u know sumn I don’t know?!

  5. He has a face?

    Nawl, I saw it…after. Of course, now I doubt every picture I see nowadays…but if it’s real — it’s on!

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