see below…
“I did get enough muffins, Have a good day”…and then sung singed, sealed, delivered as she was walking out.
she maced that ass real quick.
he was being ignorant so she had to light his ass up.
She should be arrested for assult.
Agreed…I would press charges for assault if I were him. Men are not allowed to hit women and women are not allowed to spray mace in a man’s face just because they don’t like what was said.
He wanted to cut line and was rude but he didn’t deserve to be mased.
I enjoyed her solo at the end. She was on pitch …spot on rhthym…and had a certain happiness about the chorus!
Lmaoooo that made my day! She walked away unbothered and liberated
I’m WEAK! lmao!
He had it comming to him though… She even warned him to say something else! It’s his fault! lol
LMAO…she mased that ass.
She did what a lot of us want to do! People think they can talk to you and kind of way without consequence.
^he was taunting her about the fact she bought muffins.
insinuating her weight.
people need to stop harassing people because you don’t know whose crazy is bigger than your crazy.
“Say something else!”
What a horrible story!!!!!