that yellow meat would go nicely with my frozen vegetables

It never fails.

i woke up today in a moody mental space.
it’s probably the cancer “i hate everything” in me.
i’ve accepted and owned that.
this morning’s agenda was to run a few errands.
i threw on:

Dad Hat

i was not really in a “see or be seen” kind of mood.
as i’m outside,
i decided to go to supermarket to pick up a few items.
as soon as i step in there,
i don’t know what holiday today is but…

It seems like every FINE black wolf in the Harlem area decided to go shopping at that exact moment.

It was two particulars tho…


it was two tall yellow wolves in the frozen food section.
i walked in there to get frozen vegetables and peeped em.
they were either:

Dad/Son or Brother/Brother combo

one was def younger and looked like he was in college.
he was really cute but i wasn’t looking at that one.

It was Daddy with the tatts down his arms,
muscular thick,
and had some thighs I’d like him to suffocate me with.
He had this fresh fade and these nice ass lips on that handsome facial of his.

His feets looked big in his slides too.

he was fione.

when i was in the tea section,
i saw him go to the register.
WHY DID HE randomly leave the register alone to come where i was?
when he walked up next to me to get some chocolate fudge

























I wasn’t gonna disappoint myself in hoping he spoke to me.

i stopped getting my hopes up with street wolves anymore.
so i grabbed some earl grey and left.
i hope i see him again tho.
i’d like to test out those one condoms out with him.

9 thoughts on “that yellow meat would go nicely with my frozen vegetables

  1. Foxxy, he sounds Hott!!! Sometimes I like to put on my Tight/Slut ammunition and go to Lowe’s and Home Depot.

  2. This could have been a story you told your future kids 15 years from now, when they asked,”How did y’all meet?”🤣

    1. ^ i wish it was that easy for me.
      i don’t want too much crazies in my space.

      i need to do something about my face in public.
      my “resting bitch face” isn’t exactly inviting LOL

  3. Jamari, THAT was your cue! He purposely left the cash register and walked over there to the section RIGHT BESIDES YOU! When he ducked off from his Son/Brother. He’s an old school playa. That’s what they do. They don’t divert attention to themselves. You could’ve asked him, “what you making with that?” Or asked him for a recommendation of what to get.

    1. ^ can i be 110%

      i wasn’t in the best headspace today.
      i felt like if i even tried to speak to him,
      i would have fucked it up and embarrassed myself.

      i always feel like i have these moments that lead to nowhere in the forests.
      what you fonted was perfect but i wasn’t even thinking.

      i’ll do better next time.
      thank you carly ❤️

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