F*ck Me Harder

so my worst fear happened…
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I’ll Have A Large Bowl of Rocky Road Please

tumblr_n19wh0Qc431ttwc1to1_500so remember when i said i went to ( x the dermatologist ) the other day?
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A Pimple In Time Brings Nine

tumblr_lzwpyrl3Uw1qlycwjo1_r1_500so i have been stressed.
some people start over eating once they get stressed.
i know i have been because i’ve been fiendin’ for a cheeseburger.
my inner fat fox has been going through it!
i refuse to give in to the temptations.
i cook all my meals and try to eat healthy.
i haven’t eaten any fast food in like a year or two.
well if you count fries
other people over indulge in sex.
i have no one to drill me so thats out the question.
so when i get stressed,
i guess i start to break out heavy.
news to me.
so i scheduled an appointment for the dermatologist.
i went yesterday and after checking out my skin,
he told me that i need to use the 4 following products
Continue reading “A Pimple In Time Brings Nine”

Can We Cut Out “Temp Agency” and Skip Ahead To “New Job”?

tumblr_m2uxrvZvIr1r8xqmio1_500i’m not a fan of temp agencies.
well let me not say that.
i’m not a fan of the process of temp agencies now.
before i use to snatch up jobs with temp agencies like nothing.
not so much.
i didn’t realize how much stress they are when you have a job…
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Bend Me Over, Spread The Cheeks, and Hand It All Over (Lube At Least?)

sunscreen-pills-537x402well i did it.
i was ignoring it real heavy,
but i had to do it.
i got a nice email from my boss earlier today saying:

“deadline for health insurance ends tomorrow.
needs to be filled out NOW,
or wait until next year blah blah blah blah…”

so as i kicked and screamed on the way to being raped,
i’m legit vex that…
Continue reading “Bend Me Over, Spread The Cheeks, and Hand It All Over (Lube At Least?)”


dandyi hate ^him.
that is all.

lowkey: my #ahhfreakshow watchers know what i’m talmbout.
…and what about the damn clown’s mouth?
i can’t.
definitely sleeping with my lights on tonight.