Would You Put Suraqah On Your Walls?

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 10.07.18 PMi love to see wolves i’ve wanted to smash me i’ve featured doing good.
well suraqah is one of those wolves.
i remember when i first saw him,
and those pecs he smugglin’,
that he would be a foxhole favorite.
well he went from model,
fire fighter,
and back to #thirsttrap on the steve harvey show today.
 he is mr may in the steve harvey show “2016 man candy monday” calendar.
he was competing to get the cover of the calendar.
judging from these pictures…
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Suraqah is Vintage Attentionisto Penis

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 10.29.30 PMi see why he is calling himself “king” nowadays.
suraqah is what you call “vintage penis”.
he has a a little attentionisto in him tho.
its okay.
i won’t complain.
those pecs of his make up for it.

suraqah has been in these online streets for a while now.
he went from “model” to “fireman”.
imagine this showing up to pull you out a burning building
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Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 12.36.36 AMdon’t you love a big strong wolf?
well guess what meat i pulled out the deep freezer?
one of the foxhole favs,
he maybe just what you are lookin for with his washboard abs and perfect pecs.
judging from this video he just posted…

Continue reading “MEAT: RE-HEAT (494)”