All Signs Point To…

tumblr_lrb7yvT91q1qmyqfmo1_500last night was interesting.
oh and i’m off today.
my boss let me have a four day weekend for all my hard work.
um score?
anyway so back to the interesting that was last night.
work wolf and i…
yeah all signs are pointing to…
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This Is What Happens When I Go To Sleep Mad. I End Up Dying!

tumblr_ltp9spMgbK1qgorevo1_500i had this dream that i died last night.
before i went to bed,
i wrote an entry and it completely fucked up.
i was pissed and just said fuck it.
i took a shower and climbed in bed.
knocked out immediately.
funny enough,
after a dream like that,
i woke up so calm.
let me try to remember everything about the dream…

Continue reading “This Is What Happens When I Go To Sleep Mad. I End Up Dying!”