Feminine Gays Are No Threat To The Enemy

…well i didn’t say it.
so i was randomly browsing twitter and came across the following tweet.
i had to share it with the foxhole…
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The Eternal Art of The Entire “FUCK YOU”

FUCK YOU has spanned many generations.

Cavemen probably used it in clubbing the biggest dinosaur.
Eve definitely used it when she ate that apple.
Kings used it to get their way on others from various countries.
Queens used it to get their way with Kings.

FUCK YOU” has spanned many decades and used in many ways.
It is the ying to your yang.
It should always be engraved on your chest in this cold world.

I love “FUCK YOU”.

In your growth as a Fox, you will desperately need to learn how to use the “FUCK YOU” well.
Do you think you have the skill?

Continue reading “The Eternal Art of The Entire “FUCK YOU””