khalid outs his feelings about the whole outing thing

Khalid speaking out after being outed,
and it’s clear that this hit deep.

truth is,
it doesn’t seem like khalid was ready to share his story.

that jackal decided to snatch that moment from him.
we can’t tell khalid how to feel in a situation like this.
i’m gonna repeat that font:

We can’t tell Khalid how to feel in a situation like this.

how you would handle it,
is different to how i would handle it,
and how he is handling it.
everyone processes things differently.

so khalid came out with a video to explain his side and…

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it’s not about being gay but moreso the bag khalid has

Khalid shutting down anyone who doubted his pull.
maybe those who didn’t think he had pull.

calling khalid ugly is absolutely ridiculous.
i’m not shocked about khalid being gay.
ya’ll done told me it started with his song,
the clues are in the lyrics and the alleged grindr notification sound.

the real headline is…

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clout-chasing crescendos: hugo d almonte’s messy melody

The Dominican Jackal hit a sour note and it looks like he’s out of tune.

khalid got outed.

the response?
the fastest “yeah, and?” in history.

the outer,
hugo d almonte,
just gave us a reason to remember his name for something besides his music

Continue reading “clout-chasing crescendos: hugo d almonte’s messy melody”

(Foxhole) Normani Is Coming For Your Fur

i come into work this morning,
turn on my spotify,
and i see this:

normani got a song with khalid.
it’s called “love lies” and well…

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