trump says bye bye.

as for trump,
i don’t believe a single thing he has to say or font.
i guess we can believe his conceding statement from his twitter…

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disinfect the white house with all the *dettol once trump leaves

*dettol is a disinfectant i grew up with in barbados.
shit is powerful.

that is what i said and my group chats said as well.
this transition from trump-to-biden was looking a little shifty,
but it seems that the end is finally near.
i was fully expecting to see chain locks on the white house doors.
it seems like the trump administration is finally admitting defeat

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Hillary Clinton Packs Up Her Kitten Heels and Ends The ’16 Show

hillary-clinton-election-losshillary clinton,
as you know,
she ran twice and lost against:

a) a charismatic black wolf
b) an alleged rapist and bigot

that has got to be a tough blow.
well she conceded last night and gave her concession speech this morning.
this is what she had to say
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