The Irony of Planet Fitness

Screen Shot 2014-12-24 at 3.12.03 PM…um isn’t planet fitness where all the attentionistos work out?
i guess they wanted them to test their will power that day.

This Turned Me On More Than Any Dude I Seen Recently

tumblr_lpryyfWCr41r02jqco1_500isn’t it so pretty?
i could see it laying between me.
running my hands all over it.
i’m horny.
this makes me harder than any man could ever.
sadly once it’s gone,
like a good dude you didn’t treat good,
you’ll miss it.

giphythe places it took you.
the things it bought you.
it’ll be back soon.

lowkey: look at pictures of it.
appreciate it.
love it.
look at places you want it to take you.
things it will buy.
how it will expand your life.
attract it.

I Want To Make Love To You On A Bed Full Of Money

does this…


make you hard as steel?
wolves come and go,
but green can keep me warm at night.
no seriously it can:

if i asked your broke ass what would you do if you got rich tomorrow…
i am sure you could provide me a list or two.
hell maybe 5.
we spend our days day dreaming of a better life.
this is what we bust our ass for daily.
getting up and going to a “ain’t shit” job.
working about 10 hours a day hoping one day,
it will all pay off.
one where we can afford to pay our bills,
eat at the most expensive restaurants,
travel to far away lands,
and hob knob with the best of em.
don’t even have to mention the amount of pussy/ass/dick you will get.
once you have money,
it cums (literally) by the boat loads.
i’m sure those online attention whores will finally notice you.
everyone becomes your friend.
you can literally buy other people to hang with you.
life certainly starts to become more enjoyable.
well that is before it’s all gone.
low self esteem,
and no plan is the devil.
i had to ask the foxhole…

Can you mentally afford to be rich?

Continue reading “I Want To Make Love To You On A Bed Full Of Money”

The Goverment Spent $30,000 On “Gaydar” Research This Year

come again?

our government has been giving bread to a lot of things this year:

  • food stamps for dead people
  • restoring old bridge that is not connected anything in partiuclar
  • grapes in damn vineyards

… and gaydar?
one of my f-bi sent me this story and it made my head spin

Continue reading “The Goverment Spent $30,000 On “Gaydar” Research This Year”