smile 2: screams, blue checks, and free popcorn

Last night was one of those nights where being media just hits different.

shoutout to a Foxholer for sending me the hookup to see “smile 2” early.
the timing was wild though.
i was literally just talking about the first “smile” with a friend…

…and boom,
like magic

An invite to the sequel screening lands in my inbox.

this one was hosted by angela yee and one/35,
and of course,
i had to roll with the same friend from round one.

we got there early,
because who doesn’t love being punctual when it’s a horror flick,
and they moved me over to the media line.

the perks they gave us?
free popcorn and a drink.
they really know how to treat people right.
i wish i would have gotten a shirt but they ran out.
there were a few blue checks in the building.
maino and rotimi were in attendance and are really attractive in motion.
rotimi glowed tbh.
angela yee is really pretty too.

But let’s get into the movie.

“smile 2” is hands down one of the best sequels i’ve ever seen

the director and writer,
parker finn,
really nailed it.
everything tied together so well and it constantly had you second-guessing reality.
is this real or not?
at one point,
i said outloud:

you are doomed.”

that’s the kind of psychological mind fuck i live for.

it was gory AF so brace yourself.
worst death?

trust me,
you’ll know it when you see it because it’s brutal.

naomi scott is phenomenal as the lead.
she gave everything,
especially during her slow and unsettling descent into madness.

you could feel her unraveling and it was honestly something to watch.
it almost makes you uncomfortable.

this is 100% a theater experience.
the first “smile” was terrifying,
but this one?

it’s a whole nightmare in the best possible way.
the ending shook me.

Major thanks to One/35 and AMC Lincoln Square for taking care of us.
Another shout out to The Foxholer who hooked it up.
Hoping this is just the beginning of more screenings and events to come.

mark your calendars because “smile 2” hits theaters this friday,

don’t miss it.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!