Shaquille O’Neal Is Suffering From Severe Athlete’s Foot

i can never get over some of these baller wolves paws.
some of them need to come with warning labels.
shaquille o’neal showed his to the world on tv.
you have been warned



























imagine if his fetish was to suck on em?
there ain’t enough money in the world…
well that is one of the things you might get with a baller wolf.
some male paws require them to have socks on at all times.
princeton perez,
who we talked about yesterday from “mindless behavior”,
has the same issue as well:

can we have standard pedicures please?!?!
that is ridiculous.
shap’s cub
even had to chime in on twitter about them:

the pretty vixen just asked me if i would suck on them for 5 million.
my answer was me almost choking on my chips.

9 thoughts on “Shaquille O’Neal Is Suffering From Severe Athlete’s Foot

  1. I wonder how big the dick is though. lol Rumors have it he is kinda small. But damn, I want proof. lol

  2. Athletes and dancers tend to have pretty jacked up feet most of the time. I just don’t understand with the money they are making how a $15 pedicure was never an option that came up.

      1. @ jamari, I would say thats probably what it is. Years of wearing shoes that were too small or too tight. Or both.

      2. You think Shaq feet looked jack, you should see Jordan’s. His feet tore up from the floor up.

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