can i just say i love tara?
seriously in the running to being my spirit animal.
she should teach classes on how to curse someone out in proper english.
well i just finished watching #lhhny and what an episode!
i do have a few thoughts before you watch…
- i cant believe these chicks are fighting over this broke ass hood booger.
i always can’t with the antics. - how you gonna pull he wedding ring out your bra tho?
that’s some bx nail salon bird shit if i ever saw it. - saigon‘s baby mama friend’s face was bothering me.
truthfully speaking,
saigon and the baby mama bother me.
first and last season?
why don’t mind if we do. - why would they lie to anima and tell that girl she is a star?
she needs a group to the michelle in.
- i was kinda like “oh… oh ok”…
that yandy knew amina was messing/married with “peter pankey pickle eater”,
but was acting like she didn’t with tara sitting here.
slap for her too. - “nas” lee.
who is you ma??????
seriously who is youuuuuuuuuuu????
every scene she is going at it with someone.
rapping skills straight garbage.
stick to your day job which is ( x shaking your ass at sin city ). - why would “nas” lee want to do a duet with a bigger non factor like erica mena?
wouldn’t she think higher like k michelle or even keyshia cole?
this is how i know she is stupid.
star she is not as well. - how did tahiry see that strand on hair on the bed?
she sits down and just randomly just sees it.
scripted like the towels of smeared make up across the room.
why do i feel like joe and tahiry are voted off the island?
their scenes are boring. - whats k michelle’s point on this show again?
to be casper the friendly ghost on most episodes? - my favorite part next to slap-gate:
rich’s face killed me.
other than that,
ratchet mondays is moving along quite nicely.
don’t you think?
I like Tara, nothing like giving someone a classy beatdown
I want to have hot, steamy, passionate sex with Joe. I had to say that lol. I don’t think he cheated on Tahiry while she was away for those 3 days, he seemed calm and sincere about it. However, if I went to his crib those sheets would have been fucked up. Tahiry thought that foundation was a lot… shit…It would have been a 72 hour fuck fest up in that joint.
Tara really does speak proper, and a woman like her would make me give up men forever and ever lol. Peter needs to realize what he has at home cause most men would wife her up. I would put a ring on that 13 years ago.
I forgot to add that Tahiry said Joe wears footie pajamas lol. Did y’all catch that?
^ ROTFLMAO @ “It would have been a 72 hour fuck fest up in that joint. “
Wait, Joe Budden is crazy and never gets too angry about things. A snake will look you in the face and lie to you.
low key 13 years looking at that face tho? Hell to the no
^is it me or does he look like a broke down laz alonso on some angles?
broke down with a methamphetamine habit…
LMAO…Yea he does look like a cheap version of laz.
SOOOOOO…..whatever happened to Olivia? Just a bird in the wind much?
^she got the boot and thank GOD.
i was over her entitled ass.