^this was my face when i saw the following.
i had to post this before i went to bed.
“pill bill” has footprints on his neck and back.
the feet are still there holding his ass down.
all of the victims of his rape accusations decided to take a photo shoot together.
they all joined forces and appeared on “new york” magazine.
yeah he done and so is his legacy.
i’m sure there are more out there.
such a damn shame we will probably never see “the cosby show” on tv again.
i wonder if the dvd/blu rays are on sale?
asking for a friend.
lowkey: i know the cast members of his shows must be tite he f’d up their money.
There is no other word for it.
All of those women banned together to take him down. Bill..Bill…Bill. SMH This is not going to end well. The statute of limitations are up, but his legacy will be ruined by this.
Why are some people more concerned about his “legacy” when there are 40+ women alleging rape? Shouldn’t your concern go to them?
In typical victim shaming fashion, these women should have known not to drink alone with him, should have reported it as soon as it happened (even though it’s likely no one would believe them), should have known the pill he was giving them was so he can rape them.
It’s Bill Cosby’s responsibility NOT to rape women. Period.
This Bill issue came to light again because of BLACK PEOPLE. It wasn’t some diabolical plot by white America to bring a black man down. A black comedian made a joke, and black twitter piggybacked off of it, and the rest is history.
Bill has made the non-respectable negro his number one enemy. So it comes as no surprise that people will react viscerally to his hypocrisy.
Yeah boy bye
People are more upset that white America chooses what people should be held accountable and who should not. If this is true I will no longer support this man. I just wanna know if its really true.
He admitted he gave women drugs prior to having sex with them. THEN, he said that because he did not hear her say NO (while under the influence mind you) he took that as consent.
That’s how he justified his rape of women. Get them under the influence of some drug, where she can’t resist, and suggest that she wanted it because she couldn’t say no.
The absence of “NO” does not imply consent.
This is rape.
I’m not going to ignore RAPE because I’m suspicious of racism. That’s ridiculous. I can be aware of both at the same damn time. One does not negate the other.
Wow! That’s crazy. Bill…just go into hiding.
Well, damn when does common sense play a factor? Surely the women who ran in these circles have had to heard about Cosby and his M.O. and should have ran when he approached them. If you say this though, you are accused of victim shaming, no woman deserves what happened to them, but sometimes you have to say, this man is married and I have no business going to his hotel room at 2AM. Personal responsibility I think it is what its called or maybe that only applies to Black people. I read one of the victims took a pill willingly he gave her-WTF. Who the hell will take drugs from a man and you dont know what it is. This man should have been stopped years ago, I think that why so many people are still perplexed about this whole situation, that he could get away with this with white women no less and not be prosecuted. Cosby is probably guilty as hell, but those who took money and waited for all these years to come forward are no saints either.
I agree about using common sense but I also have to look at this in the context that it occurred.The oldest victim is 80 most of the women were assaulted prior to 1985,many of the women were under age 20 when it occurred.At the time rape was considered a crime that was perpetrated by a stranger in a dark alleyway.In the 70s there was no term acquaintance rape or date rape.Bill Cosby was a tv star and later on a tv icon.These women were told by cops,agents,family members that they would not be believed.I have talked to women in my family who were raped in the 1960’s and 1970’s who never reported the crime to the police.They knew they would be blamed for what happened to them.If they weren’t so “fast” it would not have happened,you know how men are they would have been told.
I recently learned a guy I know was raped by a guy he met on Adam4Adam.He didn’t go to police because he is not “out” and he know he would be blamed for meeting up with a stranger,for not using ” common sense”. So it is a complicated issue.For people who believe some or most of the women are lying…if five women are telling the truth than Cosby is a serial rapist.
I don’t see why our queen Phylicia Rashad abd the rest of the cast has to suffer because of his alleged actions. Its really sad that his entire legacy is gone
I lost respect for him when he went on tour talking about black people. It’s isually the people pointing the finger that has a million skeletons in the closet. He gets no sympathy from me.
Lol wow.
Here’s the Spellman College article: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33667040
In my opinion I believe a # of these women had sex with Bill consensually and are now screaming rape.
This article says to mourn “The Cosby Show” but not Bill Cosby and that’s a good sentiment: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/26/opinions/due-bill-cosby-show/ It seems that Bill Cosby is a better actor than many of us thought.
And this article reveals that Spellman College return what was left of his and his wife’s $20 million endowment.
We should all remember that there is a difference between the public persona and the private person.
Those are not ALL the women who have come forward. Judd Apatow’s friend who alleged she was raped by Cosby hasn’t come out publicly.John C.Phillips who played Martin,Denise’s husband , has a friend who says she was raped by Cosby, hasn’t come forward.None of the ladies on this cover has filed a civil suit against Cosby and they can’t because of statue of limitations laws.48 women have alleged Cosby drugged them,a handful including Beverly Johnson,fortunately were not raped by him.Most women don’t report being raped, so if over 40 woman have claimed they were raped by him ,how many did he actually rape?
I am glad Spelman gave back the $20M endowment from Bill and Camille.It doesn’t look good for a women’s college to accept money from a man who admitted drugging women to have sex with them.
Goddamn! That cover looks like a victims village shit to actually see it speaks volumes all these people damn Bill!!! Oh yeah he’s done.
We all know that if he was white, this would’ve been handled diff. Yeah he is tarnished forever, but his legacy shouldn’t be… The dad rapist from seven heaven wasn’t, thomas jefferson wasn’t, ben rothisberger… I could go on. You cannot negate the legacy he has created!
I know. But let’s admit it: white america has won this. They have obliterated bill cosby. We all know this is to make an example for “us” but wrong is wrong.
I’ll take it from here Dev, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and did I hear about some impropriety with Samuel Jackson & a family member.