i gave mi my netflix password when she first got her.
i changed that shit as soon as she started showing her true colors.
well i’m glad i did because netflix is trying to put us all in jail!
this is what refinery29 has to say…
A court ruling handed down on Tuesday could make sharing passwords to subscription-based services like Netflix, HBO GO, and Amazon Prime a federal crime, The Guardian reports.
The decision, from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, rules that using a password that isn’t yours without permission from the company is a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). The case, United States v. Nosal, technically revolved around a man who, in 2004, allegedly used a former coworker’s password to access a work computer after he had left the company. He was charged with hacking.
A dissenting judge in the case, Stephen Reinhardt, pointed out that the decision could have ramifications far beyond the case at hand— i.e., your habit of using your best friend’s aunt’s HBO GO password. “People frequently share their passwords, notwithstanding the fact that websites and employers have policies prohibiting it. In my view, the CFAA does not make the millions of people who engage in this ubiquitous, useful, and generally harmless conduct into unwitting federal criminals,” he wrote.
Don’t worry yet. It’s pretty unlikely that HBO GO or Netflix is going to come after you and demand that you and your roommate sign up for separate accounts, as the CEOs of both companies have spoken positively of password-sharing. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings called password-sharing “positive” in January, according to tech site CNET.

since everything is “ip” based,
it would be easy to track who is using another’s password.
imagine going to prison for using your friend’s netflix password?
i’m sure that would make for an interesting story on cell block “d”.

This is ridiculous next they are going to require id for online porn

I gave up Netflix last month since besides from their own original programming there is never anything new on there.