look at those chest gains.
so michael b jordan responded to all the forest chatter about being “outed” in his comments.
this is what fameolous got from his snapchat…
Video Player
i thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…
he should have left well enough alone.
some shit just needs to be on that “mariah carey”.
“i don’t know her”.
video credited: fameolous
Fuck him who’s chest is that ?? Lol
I love you too baby
….I swear he was talking directly to me 

That man is too gorgeous.
He should have ignored this BS.Now it’s gone from being on urban blogs to mainstream(white) gossip sites like Hollywood Life.There are more stories about his video response than the original story.BET.com just posted a story about his video.He is a movie star he doesn’t need to respond to stuff on Fameolous.SMH
when Beyonce first came out she responded to questions about rumors and stuff too it wasnt until Beyonce became a global star on a whole different income bracket that she began to ignore the critics and etc…i actually think he responding was cute and it just showed tht he doesnt care because he didnt rant it was short, brief and over. I think whoever sprouted this stuff about him will be mad though because Michael isn’t ruffled…i hope they didnt think a boy from Jersey was going to get ruffled by some out ATL hoe rumor mills bahahaa. Michael responded in a very classy way which makes me love him even more and can i just lay on his chest and kiss his lips for like 5 mins lol
I actually don’t recall Beyonce being provoked to address rumors in the manner MBJ did here Malcolm, but I may be wrong. I did notice her shift of speaking directly to the media after 4 came out in 2011 and especially after the elevator incident in 2014. But she’s always maintained privacy standards from the media since the beginning of her courtship w/ Jay. I’ve always liked and respected her for that. I agree on the MJB assessment though. He is a sex symbol and he must be aware of that at this point. His social media presence is filled w/ thirsty fangirls (and boys) who list for every new pic or movie role. Of course, he’s going to have gay rumors. Par the course. He really does need to keep it cute in future b/c you can’t always ‘speak from the heart’ especially when he’s clearly aiming for a Will Smith type of fame.
Agreed!!!!! when you’re trying to achieve certain types of things in life you can’t do ordinary things or pull a Chris Brown and attack everyone who comes from you lol and this goes for us all
I’ve always hated the word ‘sissy’ most likely from hearing it used so much to insult my character growing up because I didn’t play sports… I also hate that other folks in the community using words used against us to help them feel accepted in a hetero world.. anyway, I would have never known what MBJ was referencing in that video since it was extremely vague. That said I was expecting some ignorant shit to come out of his mouth about ppl questioning his heterosexuality but it didn’t happen, thankfully. I don’t want to Nate Parker him because I’m a huge fan. He’s just blowing off steam here, nothing or less.
oh dear..why the fuck did he respond? SMH hmm well I don’t want to spend too much brain cells on his response but frankly the respond said nothing an only intensifies the interest in the post. No MBJ, NOOOOOO leave it the fuck alone bro. Now you got more sissy tongues wagging
Be John Travolta to the gay shit.
this type of situation is damn if you do and damn if you don’t.
no matter what he does, people got a fucking opinion on how he should handle it.
if it was me, I do not take it lightly when people going around telling lies.
say what you may. you have the right to speak up for your self.
He didn’t exactly deny anything though… I don’t believe it either but the fact that he’s responding and not denying anything looks really bad.
He just made the Shemar Moore mistake by responding to gossip and unproven rumors. He will spend the rest of his career with these rumors haunting him only because he gave life to them. Shemar Moore knows this all too well. Just shut ya damn mouth! I’m talking to you too Kordell
I agree with Louis. He should have done a Beyoncé and just did nothing. People are going to believe what they want. You have no control over that. They only thing you can do is try to live your best life and have people see you through your actions.
Just like everyone else stated it’s best to not personally respond, if the matter gets crazy out of hand let your legal team handle it .
They all need a Beyoncé PR training, you don’t respond to anything, people gonna think what they gonna think. You’re just entertaining the rumors, some didn’t even know about that now they know. And if it’s true it’s harder to come back when you already denied it. Just say nothing!!!
Beyoncé definitely has superb PR training. With the way social media is set up these days, many celebs go out their way to clear things up when this woman has been on “hush” since she was in Destiny’s Child. It honestly must take strength to do that because when you’re very famous folks will go out of their way to spread the most foul shit about you just for attention. It must be tough
J”, what was that it must be true but I’ve always loved him always will he so fine OMG those lips god when will my dl blessed Hollywood Wolf will come my way damned.
Why did he even respond? No one was going to be talking about this tomorrow. Smh. It’s best to stay silent.
By responding to this, he’s just giving people who already don’t like him a chance to say: “well a hit dog will holla, and wasn’t he hollering on his SnapChat? Did he deny it tho? mmmk.” It’s obvious the person who wanted to expose him is a coward who is hiding behind a fake or newly created page, so I would let that speak for itself.