we live in a time where celebs and regular folks are becoming sex workers.
Imagine a fine dude you know in real life droppin’ an Onlyfans?
well unless some fire leaks and we be on it like white on rice.
i gotta say thank you to the rona tho.
she has really pushed these folks to do whatever we say for money.
they worked out heavy for our pornographic pleasure.
it seems the sexiest wolf of 2020,
michael b jordan,
is putting his bid in to join onlyfans…
View this post on Instagram
look at that chest.
oh hi…
you already know michael ain’t droppin’ no nudes or sex on his onlyfans.
if he does,
it will shock tf outta me.
it will probably be what onlyfans started out as:
he might drop some exclusive shirtless pics,
which i’d want to indulge in,
but thassssss bout it.
wallace ain’t about to do nuffin’ crazy.
His will probably be like Cardi B’s – cheap and a BTS type of thing. It was designed to be something similar to Patreon, it just turned into a sex only thing. That man ain’t showing y’all no peen.
Can someone explain why people put non-sexual content on OnlyFans? Isn’t it for porn?
Why not just make a Patreon????
It feels like them getting PornHub accounts.
Onlyfans can be for anything
Someone you make the mistake of thinking its only for pornographic stuff because that what you hear the most.
Exactly @cap87 people that subscribe love to scream scam when the people they’re lusting after aren’t fucking and sucking. If they aren’t promising xxx content, it’s your fault for getting your hopes up to get disappointed. And some people on there really are trying to invest in legitimate careers. Just because someone is on onlyfans doesn’t mean they can’t set boundaries. Some people are just pushy and thirsty. I’m here for OF and I’m here for MJ.
Why are these celebs going to onlyfans.com? Life is boring enough, why drag a porn site into church?
As is usually the case, Wall Street and corporate America will follow. I’ve seen them ruin so so so many sites. WBS.net is you remember it, Tumblr, Ning, Twitter, and Facebook. Its free and open, then boom SEXLESSNESS.
May as well cancel it now.
This man is an A list star, he is NOT showin dick on there, please don’t get y’all hopes up! lol
I think i’m the only one who doesn’t think MBJ is sexy? I think he’s cute but not sexy
Why are y’all interested???He’s a celebrity you won’t get a damn thing from that overpriced mess that you already see on his IG!!!He gon take y’all for suckers charging $100 for one shirtless pic, and then bounce once he reaches $1 million!!!They y’all gonna drag him when you knew this was gonna happen anyway

!!! Is he really out of money to want to try this stunt??? I don’t believe a word what he says. That Hollywood life hanging around those white women eventually catches up with you…
Yea!!!! I Think MBJ is fine and all but they picked the wrong time to try to showcase his sexy, he done slimmed down and really don’t have that look about him that he had in Creed or Black Panther, he was wayyyy more sexier than
Good cause or not, y’all know ppl are gonna flame him if he charges a big price and we can’t at least see the head on hard. Go on gofundme if you wanna crowdsource.
^you know we will LMAO
but from a big celeb,
i’d expect it.
darrel from crown heights shouldn’t have a 20 dollar onlyfans.
I’m looking forward to it, I hope he doesn’t disappoint, he seems like a classy guy.
^ !!!!