the following is super alleged.
i’m giving my opinion to the following.
i can’t font if it’s real or fake and don’t assume to know.
so lamonte…
he’s a pretty interesting character.
he’s already got folks talking because he is full on #MAGA,
has no fucks to give about getting naked for “paint n sip”,
and has numerous alleged sex and jack off videos if you search.
another convo is how he alleged gets down.
so a foxholer sent me a leaked alleged convo and well…
besides that fool outing him,
because i woulda smashed on the lowest of lows,
if i can font honestly…
…is this really a big deal?
lamonte is a sex worker.
he doesn’t care.
in my eyes,
he seems like an equal opportunist to me.
it’s not like he is a celeb or a priest.
you can see his pipe or cheeks if you want to see it.
he’s very upfront about what he’s about.
if that convo is true,
it really isn’t a shocker.
i think most people think this about him as well.
he’s still gonna get sex/money from whoever is trying to give/get it.
even tho some of us will have a problem with it,
he’s living his “truth”.
you can’t knock him for that.
i wish he’s drop that maga thing tho.
it’s such a turn off.
lowkey: he turns me on.
i’m gonna be upfront with you.
his thighs >>>
I can’t believe people are still in their feelings about this MAGA stuff. Let it go already. Monte doesn’t give a fvck how you feel about it…
As for this text exchange, how do we know it’s authentic? Is it possible that the person who screenshot these conversations was being Catfished by someone pretending to be Monte? I don’t think Monte would be that careless with his proclivities
His beard turns me off.
The areas of my midbrain connects to my prefrontral cortex that says, ‘F this ninja for all that MAGA BS’, but then my hindbrain connected to my dick says, ‘rise, rise, RIIISE!’
Eyecandy is all he is and ever will be for me, so I could care about his political affiliations…
Sidenote: He fills out them draws very nicely!
That #MAGA ish is a WHOLE turn off. He dont even look cute to me after knowing that.
Exactly! I felt nothing watching him dance in his underwear… dick didn’t even flinch. I can’t get past the #MAGA shit.
I remember this item was all over ig coupled with a video of him fingering himself, shortly after he disappeared for awhile . So he’s on a second wave with this sip not paint fame.
^ i don’t think anyone would care these days.
women will still fuck and get turned on.
he isn’t here to speak.
he’s here to fulfill sexual desires.
which is why when he’s talking about MAGA,
he is ruining the desire LOL