i don’t get onlyfans these days.
folks will legit ask you to pay 10-20 dollars to subscribe,
but then will ask for more money in messages for more content.
Why TF don’t they just put the content on the timeline,
but add bonus material in the messages?
i notice most of the straights on onlyfans do this.
the gays of onlyfans put the whole video out and more.
one of foxholers had an alleged conversation with lamont johnson,
aka @lmg_bangbang,
on onlyfans and well…
not $350 to see him jack off with some baby oil.
this was the rest:
i’m glad the foxholer put him in his place but:
i wish people would go on strike with these dudes over this extra charge shit.
stop subbin’ to their pages unless they start uploading the whole video.
it’s starting to be extra ridiculous.
lowkey: his ( x ) have been so disappointing.
Tbh, I think some people work better when you see them but don’t hear or see actual movement. I kind of miss when he was just an insta-sex symbol.
Some of these ppl seem to be slow or delayed you asked for something he told you how much it cost either say yea or nay. No need to get uptight about it you pay for what you want I would have blocked him dude sound crazy.
I’m the one who sent this in lmao!! I had to basically let him know that I wasn’t my other community members that was gone pay that ridiculous ass amount, this was from last year after he sent that “👌🏿“ reply back he blocked me from messaging him and I just basically had to wait until my subscription ended which I wasn’t even fucked up about because I subscribed when he lowered the price to $10. BUT looking back on it I really wish I would’ve let his stupid ass have it he don’t have enough dick to be charging the prices he does and then what makes it 10x worse he photoshops damn near all of his pictures 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️‼️‼️
Are we surprised? Men are perverted in general so why are we surprised that gay men will throw their entire pocket book just to watch a video of a straight guy playing with his dick. I feel ZERO sympathy for those who get scammed on OnlyFans, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Y’all scream scammer but secretly still try to entertain these obnoxious attention seekers anyway.
Plus I don’t blame these guys for charging extra for PPV videos, some gays are so thirsty and want to feel special because they got to see a video that nobody else got to see. That alone will make somebody pay for the video. You don’t believe me? Look at those thirsty ones at LPSG. They crowdfund to pay for this type of content.
I’m sure there’s another horny homo who is paying for that $350 video. Get your money Lamont, nobody forced these men to pay for your content.
@endless EXACTLY. What people are failing to realize Onlyfans is a job for these people, OF creators literally have to fill out at a 1099 and pay taxes at the end of the year off all the money they make. People will downplay they hustle when they don’t get what they want, then come to this blog to screenshot and bash, yet subscribe in hopes of getting closer to a straight man who wants nothing to do with them. You’re scamming yourself. Like I said $350 is a reach but there’s a reason he’s comfortable setting his price that high, because people have and will pay for it.
Is his pricing even sustainable lol? I know a couple of weirdos would pay that price, but honestly WHO in 2021 is paying that much for porn? Also, a traditionally attractive man is a dime a dozen, ESPECIALLY on social media. What makes him so different that he can justify charging that much? Honestly, it seems like a lot of work to be scammer sometimes lol.
$350…oh wow. And here I am thinking 12.99 is too much to pay for a monthly subscription with large penises and full sex scenes. I guess I am NOT the audience…
These dudes don’t know how to market themselves.
And you’d have to be pretty desperate to pay all that money to see him jerk off that shrimp tail. His ass is his saving grace.
IMO gay content creators give much better content for reasonable prices. These str8 men give the bare minimum will charging crazy prices, because they know thirsty homosexuals are gonna pay.
They all starting to get crafty if u ask me like I said in the onlyfans thread a few weeks back they need to limit pay per view every month. They love advertising a $6.99 page with nothing but $20 ppv videos everyday and then they chop one fuck into 3 videos wit dif angles so basically even the gays upload only 1-3 vids a month
$350…?!?!?! For mini meat and some Johnson’s baby oil….????? Oh, I know you f*cking lying! I’ve been slutted and gutted out for an hour by a big dick Brazilian garoto (read escort) for less than that… It’s definitely not worth the money, but he’s only charging that kind of price because desperate gays who foam at the mouth over anything straight(-ish) are willing to cough up that kind of cash. Smh…
I live in America I also get black male fashion models in Paris France always asking me to pay their rent because their in a bind. I’ve been told I’m extremely good looking but not vain. I’m also a fashion model. Since I was 8 years old. I’ve always could get a straight dude to do anything for me. Money or no money. The better looking the guy the more he’ll do. Don’t ask. Guys are easy. They are just somewhat conditioned by factors.
I’m trying to understand why even responding was necessary. I would’ve just ignored (after laughing at the price) that ridiculousness and kept it pushing. This is all legit just a business to these dudes now. If you won’t pay for their content (as you shouldn’t in most cases) somebody else most definitely will so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you pay them or not. They don’t care one way or the other. And they are definitely preying on most of the gay community’s thirst to see them do ANY type of routine ranging from mediocre to practically being plain boring as long as their body or dicks (clothed or not) are on display. I really wish my community would get it together. If you’re paying LESS and watching full fledged sex scenes, but are paying MORE to watch solo hand jobs or ass teasing or anything…PG-13 really then that’s a problem now isn’t it? Or maybe some people just don’t care one way or the other 🤔 Either way damn sure couldn’t be me. God bless.
At this point I have no sympathy for people feeling “scammed” on onlyfans. $350 is ridiculous as fuck, but there are people out there who paid more for less you’ll be surprised. Hard truth but he can charge whatever he wants, it’s his page. You can either pay or not it’s simple. The fact that people are desperate enough to even buy videos of people jacking off in the first place is ridiculous to me. In addition that. The gays are bussin it wide open on onlyfans because if they did anything less nobody would pay attention, and in alot of cases some still don’t. Many Gays have this fixation with straight men. That’s why they can get away with doing the bare minimum and still get paid. Alot of gays created these monsters, so when the try to milk the piggy bank can you really be upset?
I didn’t feel scammed 🤣 I just had to let him know I’m not one of these simps that will pay his stupid ass that kind of money that like you said I could put towards a vacation or other shit!!
Look at how much that commenter wrote, to get a “👌🏽“ back in return lol This is strictly $$$ for these dudes so dont ever get gassed up or think they “like” you, gay or straight, man or women, they are looking for people (usually not the most secure) that get so caught up in their looks that the person foolishly gives away their money for basically NOTHING in return, put that money towards a vacation or something
Bryan, preach!!!! preeeeach!!! It is all business with these folks never personal.
baby dick for $350? Malik paid less
And ate the ass
That sex tape with big momma was disgusting 🤢
Boy by his dick little anyway ass fat that’s all cute face I’ll pass
We need to start supporting our own…the gays are def the ones putting full videos on their pages. Very rare do some straights put up full videos on their wall.
^its so bizarre,
but i think it’s because the straights will know they will pay big money to see them do anything sexual.