so “bae in my head”,
kellon deryck,
had his flawless illusion “look and learn” seminar last weekend.
my head bae is like so successful and stuff.
as i was lookin’ through his pics,
can i point out his biggest…
well next to his lips.
even tho i’m a fox at heart,
i would eat and squeeze the life out his…
“flawless illusion”.
don’t even get me started on his big…
“hi kellon”…
is he still using his tool these days anyway?
or is he more focused on his assets?
he will use that tool to dig in my foxhole tho.
belee dat.
…take a look at how “bae in my head”s event turned out:
very nice kell.
i love to see my professional black wolves being all professional.
it makes me smile and inspires me for my own greatness.
btw i love kellon’s new hair.
the one on his head:
this is how he gets it to be so curly:
i WANT that brush thing ASAP.
where can i find that????
follow bae in my head: instagram
Hey jamari I just ordered one of those brushes for 10 bucks on ebay it looks different but i does the same thing if your still interested I can tell you
The Man with the Plan!! Creative Beauty…
That hair shit he uses is expensive!!
I’d rather be a nappy headed hoe. Lol
Nothing wrong with a man That can hustle.
As far as that brush goes you can go into any beauty supply store and ask for a curl sponge brush and see the different varieties they have of it.
I’ve never seen one of these bushes with the spikes i’ve only seen it with the little holes. I know with my hair since I have a lot of it the sponge Crow grass gives me little twists or dread like curls. I’m thinking with the spiked one you’ll get more of a curly definition.
I didn’t know they had the sponges at the Beauty Supply?!
I’ve never seen them.
I’ve been thinking of growing my hair out for a different look.
Omg… I wanted to go to this class so bad! But I had so many other events lined up pre holiday.. @TheMan. I remember J’s infatuation with the now whacky Devin, lol.. I miss you guys
He is really cute tho, but that ass is oh so yummy and his dick look fun to ride all night. But foam to make the hair curly?
very attractive but for some reason idk just doesn’t do it for me for some reason lol
He’s a gorgeous dude no doubt, but the fact he doesn’t seem full of himself and he’s passionate about his hustle makes him inspiring too.
My hat goes off to anyone really making it in ATL and not just faking it for appearances and living off credit card scams and sharing a one bedroom apartment with 8 roommates. Lol
The things I would do to him…..
Sexy as nig right there. Body on point.
S/N: I can’t help but wonder who is getting some of that.
^*raises hand slowly*….
in my fantasies anyway…
You really like him don’t you?
Is he the next Devin Thomas? I remember those days. Those who don’t know, Jamari used to be nuts about him lol.