“I got into an ENTANGLEMENT with this dude and,
it was hard to untangle myself from off that dick.
it was like he had a spell on me that i couldn’t break free of.”
“a complicated or compromising relationship or situation.”
it’s a word i’m adding to my dictionary as it explains many of my past and current “situationships”.
jada pinkett-smith used that word in the preview of her upcoming “red table talk“.
as you know,
august alsina dragged her all the way to come to terms with their past entanglement.
jada brought herself to her own red table talk with her husband,
will smith,
to address what had happened and well…
I brought myself to the table last week but decided to hold the episode out of respect for the far more important situations that have been happening around us. pic.twitter.com/jltGuJ2bWU
— Jada Pinkett Smith (@jadapsmith) July 10, 2020
so basically…
Will and Jada were separated.
August came around and he was really sick.
She wanted to help him.
Because of her separation with Will,
she was very broken and found herself entangled with August.
She wanted to “feel good” by “healing someone else”.
are ‘feel good’ and “healing someone else” code words for i needed my back blown out?
listen jada,
i feels you!
august is cute,
has a big ass pipe,
and probably has stamina like a race horse.
sometimes we find ourselves entangled with someone else because we want to fix what’s broken.
life is a mess and we latch on to someone else who may/may not be good for us.
We want to try something new with someone else.
We want to feel good by helping someone else.
We want to be fucked entirely stupid by someone else.
i know i do/did.
i’ve had my fair share of entanglements.
most males get into other entanglements with other males because of this.
so i’m not mad at jada.
i love how she said that it was HER permission to deal with august.
august didn’t need will’s permission because she already said “done deal“.
this is why i tell folks to be transparent.
there is nothing wrong or shame to be honest.
i’m very upfront about my feelings on the foxhole.
even if my truth is messy af,
i want to get off my chest and create a space where others can be honest as well.
i applaud jada and will for this intimate sit down.
this black powerful couple revealed they had mess and problems.
they definitely turned this around in their favor.
you can watch the entire red table talk:
lowkey: will looks like he was crying.
they give me “friends” rather than “romance”.
All for show, everyone in the industry knows the deal. Nuff Said. They will never come clean but good acting tho.
That video was edited like crazy. I’m sure while the kids were gone they were cussing each other out.
August was very young when they met, but he wasn’t a child. The age difference is an important factor, but I think it’s outweighed by the insinuation that August may have felt led on by Pinkett. It was wrong of her to take advantage of him in their mutual brokenness, but I’ll give credit to her for owning up to the situation. Like others, I believe we got a chopped up, remixed version of the truth. There seemed to be some underlying tension between the two at different points throughout the episode.
I know when to eat my own words. I said Jada wouldn’t do that and she did. No more Iyanla interviews for you. Looks like that’s it for the Red Table Talk show. August album sales about to rise and so are those interviews. I guess that role in Girl’s Trip was all too familiar for her.
Thank You, I don’t trust people like August, who obviously doing these stroll down memory lane publicly to increase his records sales. I have and plenty of friends have been in “entanglements” when there is a clear age difference, and one party is often more hurt in the end. No shit, isn’t most break up painful? boo hoo, U was involved with a married woman and shit didn’t work out, she went back to her husband. Lick your damn wounds(from years ago) and move the hell on. Airing it out in public is only self serving(album is out soon) and this elicits no sympathy from me.
Everyone assumed they were intimate. She confirmed it. She even revealed that her marriage was over and she was in a broken state of mind. He was in a broken state of mind. She admits she crossed a line and it wasn’t right. I don’t care about the age difference, it’s the fact that he was damaged when they began. Either way, she put it out there and revealed a truth that none of us expected. I applaud her for sharing her truth just like I applaud August for sharing his.
Kevin coming through with all the truths in the comment section.
It’s kinda creepy she was fucking on this man that her children brought around.
She also outright lied about how long ago it was. She was likely still fucking him when she had him on red table talk in 2018.
They really glossed over everything. Seems like Jada did something before that caused Will to walk away and he obviously has his own side chicks no one is addressing. Times like this we need Wendy Williams to get to the good shit!
I have a feeling they’ll be back lol
It’s nasty, amoral, and self-serving is what it is. Anyone that celebrates this or defends it is questionable in character themselves. As you said, she was sexing a young man her children’s age. That’s indefensible. I don’t care how many years ago it was. While he was berated for many years about the allegations, she and Will were quiet. Now, here it is 2020 (like everything else strange this year), they want to hop on the “I’m here to tell the truth train.” Seems to me, the more they talk about it the more it seems as though August isn’t the only one with mental issues in this equation. That to me needs to be the bigger topic here- the mental state and sensibility of today’s black man and woman. They all need counseling!
I have a feeling there are more people that have been used and tossed aside to “make their relationship stronger”.
If Will had/has done this with Willows friends there would be all kinds of think pieces on “power dynamics and consent”.
I still don’t understand why August would betray their trust after all that they did for him. It sounds like Jada really cared about him.
^he seems really unstable.
those types are too chatty.
August shouldn’t be demonized here. He spoke his truth which is his right. he needs permission from no one, especially in this chat, to decide what’s right for him. If they didn’t want their business out, they should’ve used their business sense and handled this situation properly. No excuse for being dumb. They failed the discretion test when they allowed this thing to happen from day one. How you call yourself an educated woman and you sleep with your son’s similar-age friend? That’s disgusting and reprehensible. I can think of many women who would’ve known better for y’all to look up to; Cicely Tyson, Ruby Dee, Phylicia Rashad, Angela Bassett, Viola Davis, Lena Horne, Aretha Franklin, Mary J. Blige, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama… But, y’all wanna praise Jada for her “bravery?” Please!
August has his story to tell that is true. He has the right to tell it that’s true too. I am just surprised he did. I would never air out the laundry of someone I cared about and someone who was there for me when no one else was. It’s a respect thing. I assumed August respected Jada more than that. I am glad she didn’t run from this situation. Shes coming out looking pretty ok because she told her truth with her head held high.
Ps: I am over people shaming Jada on her age. She slept with a younger man, yep, and? Men do it all the time with out anyone batting eye. Remember Jay z was courting Beyonce when you was still teenager.
August spoke his truth and he is entitled to do so.
DWNNLTR = Dead Wid Nuff Nuff Laugh To Raas
Fucking HOES… both of them……SMFH..Hollywood and their Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyle.
I’m sure she FELT GOOD alright- she was riding that dick like a fucking bronco. Will cant fuck like Alsina period. Will needs Dick like Jada…yeah I said it ..Will’s dick ain’t as big as Alsina….so yeah she wanted to feel GOOOOOOD..REAL REAL GOOD..DWRCL
I feel like you just wrote some erotica for yourself lol
I really think she should’ve stay quiet,Will and Jada look more friends then husband & wife another thing, she said in this interview she didn’t talk to August in a long time but she had him on red table talk previously.
That’s what husband and wife are, friends who have sex and signed a contract to be commited to each other.
This! Folks don’t think the love is real if you aren’t arguing and throwing jealous fits
Yep, we are so used to toxicity represented in relationships, that’s we often expect it and even want it in our own relationships. Think of couples that have been gloried over the years, Bonnie and Clyde, Syd and Nancy, Marilyn and Kennedy, Liz Taylor and Richard Burton, Beyonce and Jay z, none of whom should be role models for relationships.
Wow!!!!!!Wow .!!!!!!
I give her props for coming out so fast and absolute.. HOWEVER???? Out of alllllllll The Dicks to take in Hollywood and the music business… Why ? why?? Its like when Clinton let Monica suck his D___K in the White House…. All the Vagina in the world ?????? Humans are weird !!!!!!!
This is some adult business, and that’s the way they handled this on her show. August Alsina must still be pining for some Jada, though, to put her on blast like he did.
Your write ups of these things are always as good as the topic at hand, JamariFox!

thank you!
She’s saying he was really sick..how about speaking for herself. She wasn’t that well herself from how I see it..
Why does it always taking “the other person” to bring the truth out?
If we didn’t see Solange bust Jay-Z ass in the elevator, there would be no lemonade.
Now if August wasn’t a messy bitch, we would not get this red table talk.
Of course everybody deserves privacy in their relationship, but once confronted with the truth don’t make the messenger look like a liar.
Tisha Campbell said “The truth will come out” and it did!
*why does it always take
I was sort of surprised to hear Will broke up with her.But I really surprised to hear that August ended it,that he cut off communication with her.I thought she dumped him.I guess he could sense that it was just an “entanglement” or a fling for her.That they had no future.
That, to me, is what compels me to give August, a 27 year young man/child, more credit than a 51 year-old black man and a 48 year-old black woman. These two elders knew better than to subject themselves in any sordid relationship with someone who was “sick.’ HE was the one who cut ties with Jada after seeing, in the mist of his dependency, that the relationship wasn’t going to last. HE had the wherewithal to end the cycle of psychosis that she put on him. And now folks want to applaud this amazing couple and thank them for their honesty?GTFOH!
The lessons of the slave experience shows that we work through our resilience, not behind the curve, but in front of it. They’re only brave now because a hurt man/child had to expose two adults for who they were. That’s fact! Short version-Will and Jada separated. She was horny. Saw a selfish opportunity with a boy. After she got her fill, she was done with him. Didn’t consider his feelings. He got mad and cleared the air. Now, husband and wife cleaning up mess to maintain following and coins. Black people rejoice! Yep, that’s about right. #BLACKLIVESMATTER!
That doesn’t even make since. How did Jada “get her fill and be done with him” as you put it, if August ended it?
Let’s not pretend 27 is a child’s age. Both parties are adults.
Remember a year or so ago August was so grateful to the Smith’s and all that they did for him. Let’s not flip the script and pretend they were using and exploiting him.
Again, looking from the outside in like you, we can only take the information given and weight it. Jada stated that once she figured out her need to want to fix her marriage, that’s when August left and cut ties. She didn’t say SHE ended the relationship. When asked by her own husband why she felt the need to have a relationship with August, she admitted it was because she wanted to “feel good.” That is the selfish desire she wanted fulfilled and August did that. So, from her own admission, there was an incentive for her in her affair and that her lover stopped all communication once she decided to work on her marriage. This says to be that as evolved as she projects herself to be as a 48 year-old black mother of two, there were immature sensibilities that she had that beckons that image.
August is not blameless but I put more on the “I am a black woman, hear me roar” Pinkett to have known better than a “I’m dying inside and I can’t get out” Wilson who was already unstable when he came into the picture. So, going back to my first sentence, I conclude that she got what she wanted, decided to return back to her husband and now they’re both PUBLICLY inquiring about how they got here when we’re dealing with a 51 year-old, a 48 year-old, and a 27 year-old (same age as the children of the 48 year-old and the 51 year-old). If they really want to know how they got here, look in the mirror.
Oh, brother.