great love deaths come in twos?

If you had asked me a few years ago,
I would’ve said I’d be devastated if Work Wolf died.
If he died tomorrow,
I probably wouldn’t care.
That is a done deal.

it’s funny how time and perspective change everything,
isn’t it?

last night,
one of my good friends told me her great love had passed away unexpectedly.

i never met him but the news hit harder than i expected

It was because I knew their story.

they had their ups and downs,
but they loved each other in a way that wasn’t simple.
we all have met loves that were very stubborn in loving us.
it was messy and imperfect but real.

the wild part is i had a dream about her saturday night.
in the dream,
we were catching up like we always do after months apart.
when i woke up,
i looked at my phone and saw that she had texted me.

as we caught up,
she mentioned how he passed and it was like time stopped.

this is the second person in my life who lost their great love this year.
i don’t want there to be a third,
but can we ever really protect ourselves from that kind of loss?

…or is it just the price we pay for falling in love and knowing that one day,
it will all end sooner or later?

1 thought on “great love deaths come in twos?

  1. My condolences to her and all of their loved ones.
    Loss is the only guarantee in life. The key is to stay present and capture moments.

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