X Marks The F0x: Fivel Goes South

And he picked up 2 friends to go down on…

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X Marks The F0x: Baller #2 With Pants Down

When will these ballers learn?!

…. or is a good “leaked” peen picture the new black?

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X Marks The F0x: Busted Baller Penis Exposed?

Why do these groupie jump offs do this?

Why do they request a peen pic from a baller
and then want to blast baller to the entire world?
Makes no sense.

Now since I have stopped being part of the moral police….
where is Devin and Percy’s peen pics?

My wish was already granted with Big Willie….
Double Dick of Thomas and Harvin would make me a very happy little Fox.
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F FOR YI: My Body

To my admirers out there who keep sending me emails….
The ones who want a piece of the Fox and obviously do not know how to read.

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Flash Fucks… Again

Which porno star has this white woman not able to remember her name?

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Remember Ron Artest?

I certainly do.
He did an entire interview on one of those late talk shows in his drawz.
His crazy sexy crazy ass.

Pop the top to get some more….

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