the issue isn’t with you, miss lady (the issue is he’s gay and doesn’t want vagina)

he might just be gay.
i knew one who had an issue with every vixen he met.

it’d be all good and then a month later,
like clockwork,
there would be “a problem”.
a very small one that could be worked out.
he’d pick a random fight and then ghost the poor vixen.
i knew another who sexually kept going through vixens like underwear.
at first,
i thought it was the “we don’t love these hoes” narrative.
i can attest that about 98% weren’t hoes.
he’d go through the whole process like he was trying to date.
his excuse:
males are “supposed” to fuck a ton of women before settling down.
“sewing their wild oats” as they often say,
but if he’s close to 50 and still doing that…
Continue reading “the issue isn’t with you, miss lady (the issue is he’s gay and doesn’t want vagina)”

gay males are dangerous

i think it’s okay to be a little dangerous.
now i’m not fontin’ about the “shady two faced” kind.
i’m talmbout the one that attracts and puts others under your spell.
that one isn’t something that can be taught or bought.
we all have it deep inside us.
i compare it to those certain vixens we all know…

Continue reading “gay males are dangerous”

did aaron hernandez father secretly ruin him?

some of the older generations really ruined some of us.
i’m talking generation x and the baby boomers.
gay or straight.
i don’t know how some of them were raised,
but they definitely took their issues out on us.
it’s obvious how some are try to reclaim their youth.
it becomes a dangerous cycle,
through millennials and generation z,
until someone decides to stop.
unfortunately ex nfl baller jackal,
aaron hernandez,
decided to stop by killing himself.

new reports have taken a deeper look into his childhood.
one that was riddled with abuse and molestation.
this will be a two part entry.
it all seemed to allegedly start when his father passed in 2007,
the same year he took ^that yearbook picture,
but it seems his life was pure hell before that via “the daily mail”
Continue reading “did aaron hernandez father secretly ruin him?”

the ig stories of a mad black todrick hall

todrick hall is checking the box “single” today.
so he was ^dating that snow wolf above,
but he had a lot to say on his ig stories.
you know that’s the place to air out all your dirty laundry.
well this is what he posted
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i don’t want to live; i don’t want to die (jump by kofi siriboe)

i admire those who can live beyond their minds.
the ones who aren’t shackled in the dungeons within it depths.
your mind will really play tricks on you.
it’ll have you feeling like you don’t belong and shouldn’t exist.
it’ll replay past traumas that can cripple you.
i’ve been there and still there.
some days are better than others.
it can be a real struggle to find my worth.
this is one of the reasons i’m so glad mental health is being talked about.
in the black community,
it is often swept underneath the rug.
we’re told most white people are supposed to be weaker mentally,
as they tend to kill themselves due to their own mental illnesses,
but survey says that’s a whole lie as of late.
kofi siriboe,
who is one of the stars in own’s “queen sugar”,
and the epitome of fine af,

released a short film he wrote and produced about mental health.
it’s called “jump” and i wanted to show it to the foxhole…

Continue reading “i don’t want to live; i don’t want to die (jump by kofi siriboe)”

how to get pulled out the closet before you’re ready: the samira wiley story

i related 1000% with the following story.
i think it’s absolutely disgusting as it’s happened to me.
some of us are out to our closest friends and family,
but not the general public as a whole.
that is totally fine.
samira wiley,
who played “poussey” on “orange is the new black”,
spoke about her feelings after being outed by a co star.
i felt what she had to say via “the daily mail”
Continue reading “how to get pulled out the closet before you’re ready: the samira wiley story”