imagine if blm stormed the capitol building today?

i was having a morning and decided to take a nap because i needed to step away from everything.
so i put my phone on dnd and was outta here.
when i woke up,
i had a million messages asking if i seeing wtf was going on in the forests.
so i wake up,
cold in my eye and shit,
and as soon as i turn on the cnn and saw this mess at the capitol building

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does the money donated to blm matter?

i’m sure many of us have used the hashtag #blm in our social media lives.
whenever a black person is harmed by the police,
we post it in solidarity.

All (gay, straight, trans) black lives matter.

according to wiki,
blm” is:

Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.

i saw the following tweet and it left me with a question…

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karen and her poodle pull up to your crib with the taser (what chu doing?)

when you live in the hood all your life,
you often desire to buy a house and move to the suburbs.
that was always one of my dreams.
i was told by many black folks just how awful living in the suburbs can be.
you learn just how racist white jackals can be to their black neighbors.
the following video is of another karen gone wild.
she is accusing her black neighbors of their pitbull harassing her poodle.
thank God for homes with cameras on them because…

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buck breaking = the process of black male slaves being raped by their slave owners

ever since i read this twitter thread,
i have not been able to stop thinking about it.
it hit me so hard,
i shared it in my foxhole ig stories.
i really appreciated that many
of the foxhole had opinions about it.
lovecraft country” helped shed light on what our ancestors dealt with,
but the extent of what they dealt with is so horrific.
some of the abuse can’t be shown on film,
no matter how much they try to water it down.
this particular meme in the thread made me think about homosexuality in the black community.
it was about “buck breaking” and…

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are we protesting for jonathan price or nah?

the great divide.
i see a lot of folks are divided with the following story.
as you know,
black lives have been the target of the police.
many of them have been very unfair killings.
jonathan price,
who is seen ^above,
is another who was recently killed by the police.
he was killed by a cop when trying to intervene in a domestic disturbance.
( x read here )
the issue with jonathan is his past social media antics.
it seems he allegedly was:

Conflicted about black lives matter
Supported the police
Had beef with his family while highlighting the white folks who supported him
“Addicted” to white vixens.

the following was pulled from his facebook,
around the time of the george floyd protests

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arrest ALL the cops who killed breonna taylor (with the correct charges too)

celebs have been protesting.
people have been continuously spreading the word.
i’ve seen some foxholers on social media:


it is inspiring how everyone has come together for her.
today wasn’t as inspiring when it came to acquiring justice for her because…

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