ashton hall is the new Jesus and has turned saratoga water into whine

this is how monsters are made.
they were already fiending for attention as is but once they go viral:

they say money shows us who we are.
i’m here to update that a viral moment can show us who we are too.
ashton hall has gone viral for his “wake up” routine.
we got him out here seething in jealousy and comparing himself to Jesus now


he is right about something tho.

He went viral so now everyone is going to try and duplicate his viral moment so they can have their own success.

case in point:

it’s such a corny ass follower mindset.
i’ll 110%:

I wish these folks would keep it real.

many of these males live absolutely regular lives.
i’d rather see the real messy ass room,
random hoe they’re fuckin’ laying in bed,
and sitting in traffic getting to their destinations.
many of these dudes are dealing with the stress of co-parenting as well.
this is why they say social media isn’t real.
real people are living real lives and a lot of male’s lives don’t look like that.

…because then I get to wondering what escorting are they doing to afford this luxury of doing nothing?

because a majority of the time,
they are using those same bawdy parts to get them bills paid.

that would be a much more interesting watch.



























please believe waking up that early has you tired by 3 pm.

lowkey: is he getting a check for ( x this saratoga surge in sales )?

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