are some of us giving off more top (wolf) than bottom (fox)?

the NFL baller wolf was top-tier when it came to boldness.
he let me know he was interested AND had the best conversations.
a day didn’t go by that i wasn’t conversing with him.
he never denied he was a wolf looking for a fox.
even if he bottomed in a past life,
he knew what i was looking for and acted accordingly.
he looked hella good that even i was intimidated.

i feel like all the males i been meeting have been foxes.
they act so bold in trying to get my attention and then:

on this outlet,
i show my emotions a lot more heavily than i do in real life.
i had to wonder…

Am I coming off like a wolf out of this tho?

someone told me before that i don’t “act” gay.

What is that supposed to mean?

his response was i don’t go to gay clubs and “act gay”.
this is someone who tried hitting on me but clearly is a fox.
a loud and sassy church fox at that.

i don’t even feel like i’m out here trying to be ultra-masculine.
i act like myself.

Am I supposed to be in the gym getting pretty muscles?
Is it a stance of sassiness?
An attitude?
Am I not talmbout boldly giving head enough?

Am I supposed to be hella shy?
Am I supposed to be bold and then stick my leg out?

i find that more vixens are bolder with me than males.
it bugs me because it makes me feel i don’t truly have a place.

I’m gay but not gay enough.

do these males think i’m a wolf and act bold,
but when they learn that i’m a fox,
they realize i can’t give them what they need?
am i attracting dl males who are curious but scared?
or am i attracting legit corny bitches?

tf is going on?
the rapping and producing wolf has me ready to give up on males tbh:

am I doing gay wrong with my actions?

 it’s wild to me that i’ll get stories of males on ig,
who are in the gym and look good,
mostly foxes who get their holes knocked out in one round.
those muscles are for bill paying and advertising.

So what does a wolf look like nowadays?


10 thoughts on “are some of us giving off more top (wolf) than bottom (fox)?

  1. This literally confirms what I say all of the time: roles don’t HAVE to apply. Are you going to pass on a dope dude over having to use some pipe or relax and take some?! We all have preferences, but it’s not rocket science. 2 men don’t HAVE to be choosing roles. I prefer to top but I’m not losing my dude over sex. We can figure it out.

    And at least yall get guys shooting their shots. The same ‘privilege’ I get to never be ‘clocked’ also bites me in the ass when it comes to meeting guys organically.

  2. STORYYYY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! Verbatim it gets to a point you just feel like where do I belong as an openly gay male. Being Gay has turned into a strategic game…like chess nothing feels organic. Yes we men, and have fetishes, certain attractions, needs…..but it’s like the organic realistic development of talking, dating, even smashing early or waiting but still continue developing something is non existent. Everything is so overly sexualized and everyone is replaceable….and boom you a thing of the past dust

  3. Thank you for this topic Jamari I’ve been looking for someone else who understands

    It’s because men in general are more accepting and effeminate now when I was growing up in the 90s and 00s you didn’t even admit you were gay

    What this has caused is a lot of millennials being programmed with a different meter of manhood

    These new gays came out and had boyfriends at 13 so societally many men born before 94 present a lot more masculine naturally. If you look at a gay man born in the 70s he typically will have a dif concept of gayness because culture has become more accepting so people are naturally more lenient with femininity. My older gay cousins could change tires and watched sports. I find the older I get the more “heteronormative” I become . I naturally don’t want to be in the club in a crop top. It’s no hate, I just don’t want to. But as a consequence I notice now the people who like me are more fem leaning because they read me as masculine . When really 10 years ago, I def wasn’t the most masculine in the room

  4. Jamari: why are you my mental twin? lol! I feel like this everyday. I don’t have a space that I fit into. (We’re going to have to create our own safe space.) I’m always told’ ‘i don’t act gay.’ ‘i can’t tell you’re gay.’ I constantly get hit on by foxes, even got a proposal; even though I am a Fox. It brings out my insecurities and sometimes it has even made me question, am I really a fox and not a wolf. Wolves have purses now days. lol! (That’s a joke). I’m learning to be me as I am. Society will make you second guess who you are, but your soul will tell you everything you need to know. I am a masc acting fox. I don’t like to be center of attention, loud or sassy, and I don’t have to be those things to be considered gay.

    1. ^ felt this heavy.
      we are def in the same boat and have to stir.
      it sucks but at least it isn’t filled with problems as the others are facing.

  5. I hate the word “GAY” !!!

    I am a male who is sexually attracted to men. The word “Gay” was created by some Non-Black Homosexuals that made me feel invisible[ Lack of Black Men in their Clubs, Porn Films, and literature] .

    I am not imitating Female attributes by calling my friends “Bitch” ,”Girl” etc. Big Dicks scare me, [weird huh?? ] Bottoming hurts . I love getting and giving head , love asses, thighs, and arms. I still find woman sexy , but not enough to sleep with them. I think Black men are beautiful and never get tired of seeing them… No matter what complexion (Blue Black to Fluorescent Beige , Mixed etc.)

    I have never Identified with any group other than Intelligent , accepting Black People born here in America.

    I will accept any human that is intelligent , open minded and caring .Race ,Religion. Gender and Nationality makes no difference to me .

    I want to be seen as ME!!!

    P.S. I have the right to change my mind and stance on all the above tomorrow it I choose too ( ha ha ha )

    1. 💖Black is Beautiful❤️.
      Jamari I have been shocked when guys have wanted me to TOP them! Maybe we have put ourselves in boxes; closed ourselves off from the versatile world which seems to call out to us from time to time? It’s our season (Cancers). We are pulsating with intense spiritual energy. Men are drawn to us as comforter’s and nurturer’s.
      You/We will always be indefinable.

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