Adrian Conrad Is Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 10.00.15 PM^he had me at “all that sex he was drippin” off his pictures.
well i haven’t posted anything from foto119 in a hot minute.
you know i loved-ed him.
 he has a couple new muses,
but one by the name of adrian conrad caught my eye…


giphyisn’t he just a nice juicy snack?
here are some more from his dossier

can i say i love his jawline?
i noticed that first.
you know i like a handsome face on my wolves.
i could see him being cast early in a “tyler perry production”.
you know that’s his “type” of wolf.























pictures credited: foto119 | adrian conrad

15 thoughts on “Adrian Conrad Is Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

  1. That man is perfection! But what you mean by “muse” is he fucking the fotos119 guy? If so I need to become a photographer!

  2. Hes Just a little to big for me…probably would be like fucking a ice sculpture….face on point tho

  3. Lord, if you send a dude like Adrian in my life, I’d be a good boy for the rest of my life, I promise! Lol

    He is fine!!!

  4. OK…I gotta say, I’m not feelin’ the face but that bod is tha damn truth!!! My mouth hit the floor after seeing that first pic. LOL

    1. Guhd dayum!! He’s legit one of the finest yellowbone fellas, but he’s too sexy thou. Like he’s literally every inch and ounce of sex appeal that it’s totally overwhelming, just unfathomable. Woooooow…

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