A Big Wolf Takes The Crown On ANTM

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.29.10 PMso guess who won #antm21?
take a wild guess.
c’mon you can do it.
okay fine.
anyway here is the winner

tumblr_nbbfqjqLAm1tcbhsqo1_500big keith carlos!
he and his big penis took the crown last night.
i knew he had it in me
i mean…
had it in him!
heh heh.

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.30.15 PMcongrats keith.
i hope i’ll be seeing more of you

7 tumblr_nbb43970Aj1qki2c1o3_500…and your big penis.

lowkey: i wonder if he messed with any of the vixens on set?
if i had a vagina,
trust i would be getting a pipe sample.

pictures taken: instagram

6 thoughts on “A Big Wolf Takes The Crown On ANTM

  1. He is a sexy man! Smooth and delicious! Mmmmmmmm! Love his body! His tongue is pretty long too, just like his chocolate stick!!

  2. He’s one nice hunk of chocolate. He does have a big dick. I wonder whose’s sexing him now. LOL Rachet Jamari wrote this post too. LOL

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