I know you are wondering what the hell I’m talking about.
I’ve decided I am UN-packing my baggage and putting a whole gang of shit in the trash.
Some will be displayed in entries to come.
This Fox WILL have a brand new Wolf.
I have been holding onto past hurts and pains for a long time.
Even though my baggage looked pretty fly, it really has been a hindrance for meeting a new Wolf.
My trust has been packed away deep in one of the many bags,
which caused me to go through this lifestyle emotionless for a while.
But I have to ask…

Does cleaning out your baggage really help you meet a Wolf who also baggage?


Have you ever really looked at a doll?
I mean, I’m sure some of you have played with dolls in your past.
I kid.
But seriously, have you ever noticed how something so beautiful could be so hollow inside?
I feel that can be connected to how we are as Foxes and Wolves.

It is no secret that Wolves can be emotionally un-available.
The last entry and the comments caused a great discussion about this.
For whatever reason, they choose to keep their feelings at bay since they tend to be more “masculine”.
Foxes, on the other hand, are all about emotions because we tend to be a little more feminine based.
But, as we search for love, we tend to start becoming bitter and emotionally distant in fear of getting hurt.
We start to become these little dolls.
Ones that like to dress up,
a night on the town in a cute convertible,
and try to mask the loneliness with a smile.

It made me wonder about baggage.
In this lifestyle, do we hold onto way too much baggage?
How do you successfully get rid of everything in those bags without being a hoarder?
And why do we travel from Wolf to Wolf (or Fox to Fox) without giving ourselves time to have a yard sale?
When it comes to your baggage….

How much bags are you carrying?


  1. Learn to live in the moment and the bags suddenly disappear. Be proactive in all your decisions and be silent about NOTHING! Learn to smile a little more and that you always control w/e situation you’re in, except for death. What someone else won’t give someone else will, so NO is never an acceptable answer to something you want. Learn to be selfish and giving–I promise you’ll go further in life and love. 😉

    Thank me later, no Drake. lol

  2. Matters that go undealt with is like sweeping dirt under a Persian carpet rather then clean house. The carpet just get lumpy; we become as horders, a ball of contradiction and confussion, sh?t dressed up with external swagga…and always late for apptmnts…lol. We don’t have the time to fix our lives-just going with the flow- Put a band aide on whatever it is that need fixing or go get high when we need stitches and pain pills or just let it bleed and move on and we make the same mistakes over and over when making the right choices. How can we make the right choices when we haven’t healed from the black eyes, lumps and bumps on our heads. Foxes and Wolves who deal with their baggage don’t only look good on the outside but they are stable established and settled on the inside, fightg every force of adversity that life throw at us; being careful with who we let in our auras, psyciand soul-ties. When we let undealt ” baggage” into our psyci we become disrupted! Now were upset and holding grudges with the person(s) who created it when it was our fault from the beginning. Mary J Blige couldn’t have sang it no better then she sang; “No more drama!!!”No more pain. no more messin with my mind. nor more games…”

  3. Good topic Jamari baggage. You can kinda say it’s like a old backpack you had from highschool. When you first got it it was fly as shit but now when you look at it it’s old crusty and the zipper won’t close. Thus is when you say to yourself it’s time for a new one but you just cant let the old one go. so you buy other backpacks but they all just keep adding up. Now your older and you have a great new job and you have a messenger bag or I nice briefcase. They fit your lifestyle now but you still look back to your old backpacks from when you were a kid. Your backpack look run through but there is something that won’t let you throw it away because of all the memories you had with it. In the end youn finally give it to good will and not throw it in the trash because some other child can have fun with it. You get sad and think about getting it back but then you see your new messenger bag and realize that that faze in your life is over and it’s time to start new.

  4. Baggage is matters that go undealt with like sweeping dirt under a Persian carpet rather then clean it out i.e…deal with it. The carpet just get lumpy; we’re as horders, a ball of contradictions, confussions, poop with swagga…always late for apptmnts…lol. We don’t have the time to spend on such matters. Put a band aide on it when we need stitches and pain pills or let it bleed and we make the same mistakes over and over. Foxes and Wolves who deal with their baggage don’t only look good on the outside but they are stable established and settled on the inside, fightg every force of adversity; being careful with who we let in our auras. When we let undealt ” baggage” into our psyci we become disrupted. Now were upset and holding grudges with the person(s) who created it when it was our fault from the beginning. Mary J Blige couldn’t have sang it no better then she sang; “No more drama!!!”

  5. Everyone has baggage…u just gotta figure out what you are willing to deal with. You definitely have to let go of the past to move forward.

      1. I think people hold on the baggage because they don’t honestly know how to let go of the baggage. For example, it will take Vain a long time recover from the trashing that I gave him during our debate yesterday, and if the doesn’t let it go quickly it will become a new pair of baggage for him lol just messing with ya Vain. I don’t know a person outside of a professional body builder who wants to carry around 200 pounds of weight on their backs and shoulders everyday. I think that when it comes to everyday people, no one who in their right mind would want to carry a heavy load on their backs and shoulders everywhere they go: to work, to the gym, to church, to a restaurant or to bed? For me I have develop a step method to help me to remove the emotional baggage as soon as it lands on my shoulders. It works very well.

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