I Be On My “Suit and Tie” Shit (Your 52nd Thought: 52)

nothing like a wolf in a suit and tie.
a suit that is actually tailored to his body.
a correctly tied tie.
clean shoes.
looking like a bag of money.
i’m already taking off my clothes.
everyone meet justin timberlake.

he is back with new music.
he has a new track with jay called “suit and tie“.
produced by his BFF, timbaland.
i wanted you all to hear it and tell me what you think…


11 thoughts on “I Be On My “Suit and Tie” Shit (Your 52nd Thought: 52)

  1. I think it’s a load of shit! I expected something really, really wonderful coming from such ‘talent’s, but alas it just ain’t so. Had I recorded this as a demo, and sent it to a record company, I doubt I would have even received a reply. Let’s hope the rest of the CD improves.

  2. No matter how I try, I just cant like this dudes music, and this offering is not going to change my mind, I couldnt even listen to it all the way through.

    1. Bra 4real u ain’t like until the end of time?? Do me a huge favor and listen to justin timberlake’s “set the mood”

      1. Man the end of time wasnt that bad I must admit, I am going to listen and get back to you, never heard of this cut because I dont really get into his music.

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