so they just killed o’shea sibley because he was having a good time?

he looks so familiar.
i woke up out of my sleep this morning and saw this story.

they say not all heroes wear capes.
i admire those who will step up to defend their friends.
that shows a lot of character to me.
o’shea sibley allegedly did that in brooklyn and was killed for it.
his death is being ruled a hate crime

A man dancing at a gas station in Brooklyn was stabbed to death after a dispute broke out between two groups Saturday night — and a 17-year-old is now being sought in connection to the shocking death of dancer O’Shea Sibley.

Law enforcement sources have identified the suspect as a teen who remains at large.

Those who knew Sibley as a talented dancer and certainly a friend, have no doubt that his murder was a hate crime.

Sibley, 28, belonged to several dance troupes in the area. He was killed in a gas station on Coney Island Avenue in Midwood following a dispute over him dancing at the pump. At one point, an attendant from the gas station tried to intervene.

Witnesses say a back and forth followed after Sibley, who worked with several troupes, started voguing in the style of many LGBTQ ballrooms. As all of this escalated, Sibley was stabbed in the chest, and pronounced dead at a local hospital.

“He had a problem with them dancing, he wanted them to stop dancing, he started arguing with them. And then after a few fights and back and forth arguing, he pulled out a knife and stabbed him,” witness Sayeda Haider said.

Law enforcement sources say the suspect fled the scene in a black SUV. NBC 4 New York spoke to a neighbor who knew Sibley on Monday morning. The neighbor, who is also a member of the LGBTQ+ community, said he was worried about the 28-year-old’s safety.

“I texted him that morning to tell him I wanted to talk to him, to tell him to tell his friends to be careful, you know, because you have to be careful how you present yourself,” Beckenbaur Hamilton said. “They don’t live in the neighborhood we live in, it’s a very homophobic neighborhood and they were out here dancing.”

“There is no progress. Progress? Yes. But we here don’t see it. We have to live stifled,” Hamilton continued. “We live here in a community where we have to pretend to be somebody else.”

the alleged hyena who stabbed him is in the red shorts.

how are you gonna walk up to people and tell them to stop having a good time?

how did this group of hyenas think they would react?
they weren’t even bothering anymore.
probably just enjoying summer and being back outside.
one group has to attend a funeral; the other is sending one to prison.
this is a really senseless death.

i know many people who don’t back down from a fight.
it’s admirable but we have to be careful.
i’m finding people are angrier nowadays.
some of these folks can’t keep their rage in check nowadays.
they’ll kill you for something so simple.
in many situations,
we have to learn to walk away.

i hope justice can be served so o’shea sibley rests peacefully.
here is o’shea in “soft” by kemar jewel:

article cc: cbs news

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