why did you reject that good guy who would have worshiped the ground you walked on?

i was scrolling through a reddit thread that made me pause and think.
i want all my Foxholers to remember something when it comes to relationships:

Just because you didn’t pick “the good guy,”
or let “the one who got away” slip through your paws,
doesn’t mean those relationships would have worked out.

it’s the loneliness talking when we see them thriving.
i once had a wolf who was “the good guy” that i lost out on in the past and…

when i saw him on social media,
looking fine AF and living his best life as a kappa,
a part of me felt like i missed out on something big.
after some serious soul-searching,
i realized:

We didn’t have chemistry,
and no matter how hard I tried,
I couldn’t force that spark with him.

Now he was good at calling me at 1 am and talking nasty shit to me.
That had me delirious.

…but that was about it.

the good guys just don’t move the meter or challenge us.
let’s keep it real:

Many of us crave a little drama,
even though we won’t admit it.

this is why the wrong ones for us often leave the most impact.
they bring the excitement we secretly desire.
they make us come out of character in the best way.
even though we also won’t admit it,
we might have been “the good guys” in their eyes too.
many of us don’t realize we play that role when we’re really into someone.
our past good guys were attracted to what we are attracted to in someone else.
we displayed those qualities to them but suddenly,
the people “pick me” pleaser in us takes over in us and we do everything to be picked.

even if you got the good guy,
once the honeymoon phase wore off:

You’d probably cheat on him when someone you’re really into comes along.

so don’t feel bad if they’ve found their blessing.
by letting them go in a healthy way,
they found someone more suited for what they were looking for.























lowkey: if you were nasty to them,
this is probably your karma.
you lost out on your blessing because you were a bitch.

x read that reddit thread here:

3 thoughts on “why did you reject that good guy who would have worshiped the ground you walked on?

  1. Well said. I can say I’ve never lost a good guy who was good for me.

  2. Most of those comments are revealing that men don’t know what they want, until it’s too late. We chase with our holes and our poles then get mad when somebody else saw their worth.

    Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne comes to mind.

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