why did you reject that good guy who would have worshiped the ground you walked on?

i was scrolling through a reddit thread that made me pause and think.
i want all my Foxholers to remember something when it comes to relationships:

Just because you didn’t pick “the good guy,”
or let “the one who got away” slip through your paws,
doesn’t mean those relationships would have worked out.

it’s the loneliness talking when we see them thriving.
i once had a wolf who was “the good guy” that i lost out on in the past and…

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the rapping wolf who admitted that he isn’t gay but he did smash a dude he was into

in life,
as gay or bi males,
you will meet straight males who won’t identify as gay or bi but…

…he will identify that he is attracted to YOU.

we are living in different times and different vibes.
rapping wolf of “bad bitty” fame,
admitted he ain’t gay but he did have to smash one male that he was into tho…

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steven beck and dion david are showing you what a non-OF marriage looks like

there are some marriages that we thought would last forever.
they are currently arguing over kids and the air fryer in divorce court.
there are other couples that we just KNEW wasn’t gonna work.
ima keep it 110:

Steven Beck and Dion David aka @1stkingdavid were that couple.

they said jokes on you because...

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what i really want for christmas this year

i’m trying not to fall victim to sadness this christmas.
i’ve been avoiding all things that would make me feel depressed.
i don’t feel low energy tbh.
i’ve been on chill mode.
there are things that def can be done if you don’t want to feel sad.

Binge a whole series
Video games
Cleaning your crib
Going into the city and taking a walk since everyone is elsewhere

it’s just a day that will end in more than 24 hours.
for 2023,
i asked myself what i would really want for christmas this year…

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how are you weathering your storm?

How do we know when it’s God vs when it’s satan?
How do we know when it’s a test of faith or an attack?
How do we know we are blessed or we are approaching our fate?
How do we know if things will work out or are we doomed to fail?

i saw a story about a family who was in a car accident on wednesday.
the pregnant wife was killed; husband lost his leg.
they were driving to see family for christmas.
i can’t even begin to process my thoughts on ( x that tragedy ).
here goes this guy,
blessed with a wife and the joy of becoming a dad,
only to lose it all in the blink of an eye.

Is that a test from God or the devil saw an opening to attack?

even though that story is extreme,
it resonates with many of us…

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what is faith? i don’t know her.

i know ^this faith but i don’t know the other one.
i was not taught to have faith in life.
i don’t truly know how to “do it” and i get anxiety trying to do it.
anytime all hell breaks loose in my life,
i run to fear and worry.
that has always felt more comfortable than trusting God.
it is what i was taught.
i grew up as a jehovah’s witnesses child

Continue reading “what is faith? i don’t know her.”