when it hits hard and knocks your stuff outta alignment until the next day

a life without internet.
it sounds scary to most of us.
many of us don’t realize how addicted we are to our phones.
we wake up and check our phones and do the same before going to sleep.
shortly after my second entry,
my entire internet went out

i was calm about it for the most part.
we had a big tropical storm in new yawk yesterday.
the wind was out of control,
the rain was heavy,
but i was in my spot relaxing.
i figured it was just for that afternoon.
it stopped at like 2pm,
but my shit went off around like 9pm or so.
even though i wanted to write more,
i figured God and The Universe wanted me to read a book.
this has happened before,
but i woke up to my internet being back on the next day.

Nah homie.

it was still off.
i called them at like 10am and after the run around,
they told me it should be back on shorty.

Shortly was hours later at like 4pm.

even though i was stewing in “ugh”,
i kinda was chillin’ out.
the nap i took was gorgeous and i did more reading.
i was prepared to have a quiet evening again without working internet.
if i was able to survive a day

Would I be able to survive a week?






































probably not.

lowkey: they gonna bless the fox with a credit,
i know that much.
i know the folks who were WFH were tite.

5 thoughts on “when it hits hard and knocks your stuff outta alignment until the next day

  1. Same as Cornelius, out of power for a few days. Interestingly the net was accessible by phone, but with everything else gone (no A/C, fans, fridge, laptops, etc.) it was kind of a mess. Glad it’s back on. A lot of people in the New York metro area still don’t have power so I hope they get it back on very soon.

    1. ^damn iā€™m sorry TLT.
      iā€™m glad you are back up and running.
      my home vixen had the same issue too.
      she is upstate and she was without power for a few days.
      she said it was the pits.
      no a/c in this humid ass city is no joke.
      iā€™m confused how this storm took out almost half the entire city.

      imagine what a real asshole would do?

  2. I JUST GOT BACK ON! I BEEN WIT NO POWER SINCE TUESDAY! I considered myself ‘disconnected’ since I am not really on social media. Jamari, this hermit/recluse life isn’t for me. Candles? Flashlights? THE CAVE LIFE IS NOT FOR ME! Ewwww! Buying ice so food in the fridge doesn’t spoil? It’s a fridge, not an ice chest! I rebuke all my ‘It’d be nice to go off the grid” thoughts. I need technology. I was dying of boredom in the darkness! I did start reading books again, but ain’t nothing wrong with a good audiobook! Cell phone towers down. Service updates keep being pushed backed. Ugh. THE GHETTO!

    I will never take AC for granted again! Elsa’s fire sister ATE ME UP!

    1. ^oh hellllll nah!!!!!?

      i would have been so tight.
      bad enough to have no wifi,
      but the power is out?????
      and it was hot out too?!?!?!?!

      shit let me send you prayers because i know you was ready to fight the air.

      iā€™m all for going off the grid with my luxuries šŸ˜‚

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