tyshawn colquitt has some alleged “he had me hittin’ high notes” leakage?

*the following story is rated xxx
viewer discretion is strongly advised

you gotta be careful what you put out there on social media.
you never know when your big break will happen.
you might be out here living wild,
but your blessings could be cut short because of it.
so this story is alleged,
so i’ll let you decide for yourself.
so everyone meet tyshawn colquitt.
this is resume on his twitter:

Singer/ Actor/ Model/ Artistic Director/ Writer/ Producer/ Engineer/ Vocal Coach

he was also featured on “the voice” last month as well:



beautiful voice.
well a foxholer sent me something today that showed another talent.
this is an alleged video from 11 months ago of tyshawn and porn enthusiast,
khi lavene...


x full-ish video

khi was banging his alleged back out,
wasn’t he?
he was allegedly rolling around on the bed in full orgasmic bliss.
  he was allegedly about to hit another octave during those back shots.
i’m hot.
if this is tyshawn in the alleged video,
this may overshadow what he is trying to accomplish.
as much as we will enjoy it,
it’s a different story within the bts of hollywood.
even if you’re ratchet af,
you gotta present yourself in another way for public consumption.
this kinda shit might work for established celebs and last name “kardashian”.
gay sex tapes on pornhub being the biggest “no”,
but who knows nowadays.
things are different.
let’s hope tyshawn’s voice can break down the walls khi was doing.
























he was.

lowkey: khi has the best stroke in the business next to rio.
don’t @ me.

31 thoughts on “tyshawn colquitt has some alleged “he had me hittin’ high notes” leakage?

  1. Its really sad when your talent is great as his and you throw it all away for 4:01 Maybe NBC got a preview, because Ty was clearly better than the guy chosen. SMH

  2. I don’t know, I guess I’m projecting but I feel bad and embarrassed for him. I can understand that he is an adult and was doing adult things, but I do think its one thing to do something that maybe viewed by 100 people or even 1,000 people but something that can be viewed by millions is a whole other thing. The voice brings in about 10 million viewers if this video gets linked to him, now suddenly you do a google search an this pops up under your name. I always wonder how porn stars deal with this, do they and how do they explain things to their parents, siblings, children, family and friends or is it a big secret. I remember a couple of years back when the porn star Hot Rod did an interview where he said that his parents were aware of his sexuality but had no idea that he was a porn star.

    Also, can we put the Kim Kardashian argument to rest. Yes, Kim Kardashian made a sex tape and was able to parlay that into something, but the way she is and has been able to navigate the world is very different than they way the vast majority of people will be able to navigate. When you look at Kim you have to look at her social economic status at the time, her connections essentially everything she had access to in order to make her career take off, and quiet honestly her being an exotic Armenian after extensive cosmetic work had a lot to do with that. Contrast Kim with Montana Fishburne; Montana thought she could be the next Kim and where is she now.

  3. I don’t know about y’all, but I view people differently after I’ve seen them having sex. Especially all of that. Too personal. Can’t take them seriously. It would be fine if he just wanted to be an adult entertainer.

    1. It’s funny he was just on The Voice and when they mentioned that he and his mom had a Pound Cake business I flashbacked to watching him getting “pounded”.


      Sadly he was eliminated in the Knockouts so his run on The Voice is over.He seemed like a sweet guy,great smile.BTW he brought pound cake for all the judges.☺

      My issue with him doing the porn videos is maybe one day a prospective manager or record label may be reluctant to sign with him because of the gay porn background.There aren’t that many mainstream gay R&B singers to began with and one with an excellent voice but a porn background would be difficult to market I would think.Good luck to him.

  4. Oh yea, he has many videos than I can count on both of my hands. I knew this would come up, not even surprised. Good luck with the singing career tho.

  5. God we are a prudish, hypocritical society. It’s just sex. We all come from it. Most of us have it regularly. He looks like he had a blast. Let him enjoy life and a singing career.

  6. Wow, didnt know he had made it to the Voice, but Tyshawn has been around for more than a few years and at one point had his own Onlyfans and ConnectPal page so he is not new to Porn and he has done several videos with more partners. When I had Snapchat I followed him and Jaydee his porn brother and Ty would always be singing and auditioning. I hope it doesnt affect his career to bad because he comes from the hard streets of either Cleveland or some other part of Ohio and in his Snapchat he talked about his mother basically rejected him and putting him out of the house for being Gay. He seems like he is such a gentle soul. Part of being young is making crazy choices and not thinking about one day the choices you make may come back and bite you in the ass. He has real talent and it is going to be sad if his dream is denied. We live in such a different world, where the First Lady of the USA has nude pics so nobody may not blink anymore and it might actually work to his advantage from the angle of the scandalous R&B singer. Hell many of our favorites are doing a lot worse behind closed doors, we just havent seen the footage. At any rate I am pulling for him.

  7. Joanne the Scammer has NUMEROUS sex tapes with his exes. If you don’t address it and put out consistent content, people don’t care. Now if you’re a gospel singer…

    The video did nothing for me. I’m not into skinny dudes. And the way he was rolling and contorting I thought he’d break his shoulders. He reminded me of a full on woman! Lmfao Jamari sometimes I think you’re pansexual.

  8. I just watched The Voice and saw a preview clip of Tyshawn from tomorrow’s show.It’s going to be interesting watching him perform on the show Tuesday after seeing that “leakage” tonight.Hopefully this doesn’t jeopardize his singing career.

    1. ^i mean,
      he had to have known this would get exposed.
      khi has posted these videos all over pornhub and tumblr.
      it wasn’t like it was leaked so he shouldn’t be shocked.

      1. I really don’t know what these people are thinking when they do this videos.It would be different if it was a private video you did with your boyfriend and they leaked it in a “revenge porn” situation.But like you said this guy,Khi, post his videos it’s apparently common knowledge just like the guy with the Delta employee last week.

    1. I was rolling when I seen him flopping and squirming around in that bed, flipper? I don’t know if that was from the dick or for the camera but it was funny. I guess thats what good “D” will do to you, have you acting like a damn fool, LMAO

  9. I can’t believe some actually believe this can be good, or is not damaging to his music career if that’s what he’s persuing..no.no..Sorry poor boundaries.

  10. that is the type of pipe that will have you falling in love.
    dangerous dick is what its called!
    when they start grindin’ into your foxhole passionately…


  11. *sighs*

    This is my biggest gripe with my generation: many of us are too quick to succumb to short-term gratifications at the expense of long-term consequences…. I’m sorry but NO pipe is ever that good for me to jeopardize my future.

    Sidenote: Khi was in them cheeks tho. Lol

  12. DWRCL….aw cmon man. Cant a brother get his hole plugged even if he’s on Pornhub?? Why cant he have his KimK moment and make millions like that hoe? Is he doing anything that no one is doing? DWRCL

    I think it’s much ado about nothing. ITS JUST SEX. The only issue is everybody can see him feeling like a natural woman under some good dick…LOL

    I think he’ll be just fine. Play his cards right. Don’t make any comments. No apologies. No regrets. No bull shit fake ass woe is me Instagram post. He needs to remind everybody that what he was doing is not a crime.

    Finally he knew he was being filmed. Thats what these guys do. Once you fuck with them , you get famous, like them. HE KNEW . HE played for the camera.

    That was some good juicing. I know he goes back for rounds 2 and 3. …lol

  13. He has wayyyy more videos than just this one. He’s part of the “globalbros” with JD, Matt Ryan(yes that Matt ryan lol) and the rest of them. They’ve all been fucking each other for years. It’s all over the internet lol

      1. All you have to do is type in globalbros in myvidster, pornhub, Twitter, tumblr.or even tyshawn name lol

  14. This is probably not going to go well for him if its true.

    SN: I wouldn’t mind a khi experience once in my life. Lol

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