normani has set off the “recreating her choreography” in motion.
everyone is motivated to dance because of her video for “motivation“,
which has grown on me tremendously.
i love watching videos of dancers doing their own spin on an artist’s work.
well i saw the following on twitter and well…
………. the white gays have attacked
I hear-by announce the race war as BEGUN
— justin grande (@JayyRayy_) September 5, 2019
Are we sure they weren’t motivated by Britney Spears?
those cheerleader dance routines look more up her alley.
let me not act phony.
britney use to be in her whole dance bag back when she first came out.
you drive me crazzzzzzzyyyyyyy i just can’t sleep >>>
i’ll pay a compliment:
I liked the synchronicity of it all
its no worse than:
ok bye.
The women move so elegantly & their Feminine bodies really compliment the style.
I. Just. Can’t.
Normani is mad wack to me. Like weak af. Im all for nubian women winning; I want her to win … but she is wack and lacks substance.
White gays are good for business.
If we want Normani to take the throne…
Why did those white jocks bother? The actual choreography is hard and they couldn’t, so they did that lazy stretching-for-a-workout ‘dance”.
Where can I get the remix used in the JR Taylor video?
^good question!
it’s pretty dope
I’m going to need the Foxhole to get in formation and find me this remix! You can figure out everybody in
Jamari’s DMs, but not this mix???? (It got cut off lol)