males will tell you anything when they’re horny.
we should all know since most of the foxhole is male.
i keep telling vixen friends to stop acting confused when it comes to dudes.
when a male has nut he needs to release,
he will suddenly become very nice and tell her all she wants to hear.
Texts become more frequent
Likes and comments become over-abundant
Plans start being made
he wasn’t doing all this before,
but suddenly,
he has become prince charming?
once he has finished fucking her like he “loves” her…
he is back to being confusing and a headache.
dl males operate the same way.
one of my foxholers sent me this message today:
“Gays are so stupid, he only telling you that to still fuck you and be with his girl and fuck her too“
with the following video attached…
i responded that it was obviously just to get some ass from another male.
the foxholer responded:
“Yeah it was so obvious. They bait the gays so easily and be like oooo he said this ass better than his girl. Ok so why he still with the girl? And why you rather be a side bitch…”
i think most gays get lost in the moment of desiring to be wanted.
gays want to feel wanted and a majority of us confuse sex with that.
dl males are natural “get you out ya drawz” hustlas.
they often appear to be all we fantasize about.
they know the art of like bombing males for sex.
it’s also manipulative to say my ass is better than your girl’s pussy.
that often leads to this underlying competition between you and her.
if you want to deal with that…
Tell him STFU and drop the drawz
at the end of the day,
a majority of these dl males are only good for sex.
you need a release and you know he’s the sex toy to play with.
they are unreliable and will fuck with your emotions real heavy.
better yet:
All males,
no matter how he gets down,
will say anything to fuck you.
from out,
if a male wants to use you a human masturbation machine,
he will apply the right kind of pressure when needed.
once you’ve realized words don’t mean shit,
you will see past the bullshit and choose your next course of action.
Well said it’s a tragic and unavoidable reality. Cut past the lying and be honest
Miss me.. I have never desired a “Down low / Straight Masc Man.. Sex is confidence!!!!! If you must hide ,,lets be Friends… I have and still do enjoy Same Gender Loving /GAY and Confident men who know it
I’m sure that title was made up for clicks, ain’t no real DL nigga filming himself fuckin u
even if faces not included
Exactly, fabricating about being with DL dudes when it really be two bottoms barebacking.
I use to be obsessed with masculine DL dudes. Then I realized that I was trying to get the love my mother never gave me. That if I was good enough for the man I was supposed to be, I was good enough. After realizing that I have no desire for closeted dudes. It’s a huge turn off. Give me a big muscle bound sissy that can throw good dick. I ain’t trying to earn my passing card from you.
^OOOOOH good one bb!
What people fail to realize is the “masculine athletic foxes” and “DL dudes” all dress up as women on Halloween. The only time that it would be accepted. This is why when athletes, rappers, etc pass on, all of their gay/trans lovers come out and you find out that they were the bottom.
How you act in public isn’t what you like in bed. Also, we as gay men want to have the straightest-looking masculine man on our arm to make the other gays respect what we pulled. We wouldn’t be caught dead with a “sissy”.
I like the nerdy, quirky types not worried about being masculine. They’re smart and started a business and there’s a confidence they have that the biggest, most muscular men don’t have.
What people don’t realize is nobody’s born with muscles. If you judge masculinity based on muscles, you are in for a surprise when you realize how many squats he’s done in the gym. Many gym gays used to be overweight or super skinny and are extremely insecure. That’s why they post thirst traps. Trying to make up for getting made fun of.
So where that gif is from? QTNA
^mo betta blues a spike lee joint.
People search for love in all the wrong places, but you have some that get a thrill from the sex downlow men have to offer, especially if they are straight passing. You have to know how to swerve and not get your feelings involved and we know how people get caught up in their feelings.
^once the sex is taken away,
it reveals a lot.
That sounds like a good post. I’ve take the sex away and offered the hand of friendship, only to be slapped away.