i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (104)

there are just some black folks you can’t save.
they feel comfortable being puppets for white supremacy.
in “they can have that bitch” news,
a black she-jackal was seen dry humping white supremacists in virgina today..
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There’s Nothing Noble about Being Breezy Wolf?

evolution-chris-brown--large-msg-1361310647i bet he wishes he was this cub once again.
back at a time where he had no issues.
he was just “chris brown”.
worrying about what fresh kicks to wear to school.
singing at virgina state.
that innocent cub with a clean slate.
breezy wolf has some more issues on his plate.
monday: a vixen whose leg nearly got broke in half.
tuesday: a hit and run charge.
wednesday: kidnap obama and demand world domination?…

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Have You Met Songzbird Brother?


i guess good looks run in the family?
everyone meet forrest

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