This Is You… Then.

How do you expect to move on, if you do not have closure?

That is the question ringing in my mind.
I don’t know if I am the type to hold a grudge, per say.
But, I do hold onto things even though I claim I am over it.
I will use those little things as examples for me not to fuck up in the future.
Which I think is relatively smart, but you do need to let go so you can successfully move on.
But, moving on is hard to do when you do not have closure.
So the real question is…

How do you really get closure?

Continue reading “This Is You… Then.”

Love Me, Lost Me, but Don’t Leave Me Alone…?

Lost love.

Have you ever lost someone you thought was the one for you?
Maybe they could have been the one?
Did they cheat on you?
Did you cheat on them?
Were you moody?
Did you use them?
Did you do something that turned them off?

Do you regret it?

Continue reading “Love Me, Lost Me, but Don’t Leave Me Alone…?”

The Pain Behind The Happy Fox’s Eyes

No one truly knows the pain that can go on behind Foxes eyes.

This is dedicated to my Foxes out there in the struggle…

I am a proud Fox, but I am in constant battle within myself.
I am not scared to be honest because honesty is always the best policy around dese parts.
Trust me when I say though that I have been all 4 of these issues:

Sometimes, we have no one to talk too.
Sometimes, we have so much hurt that we do not want to talk at all.
Some of us have been used as sexual playthings to satisfy the desire of unsure Wolves.
While others have never been touched and dream of being rescued from our lonely dens.

Which Fox are you?

Continue reading “The Pain Behind The Happy Fox’s Eyes”

The Journey Of The Great Fox


Have you ever stopped,
looked around you,
and asked yourself:


… and no,
I do not mean because of a slight case of amnesia.
I mean…

Continue reading “The Journey Of The Great Fox”

The Day A Fox Went Down

Well my season gave me a wonderful present that laid me the fuck out.
I mean I got laid out so good that I got a headache from all the pounding.

Continue reading “The Day A Fox Went Down”