I’m Your National Anthem, God You’re So Handsome…

“Money is the anthem
God, you’re so handsome
Money is the anthem
Of success…”

Something about this chick, I love.
I know a lot of people hate her,
but something about her music makes me feel something.
I “get” it.
Her music gives me visuals.
It’s like she talks about my past, present, and future.
So, you know I was hyped when she came out with my favorite cut off the album..

Continue reading “I’m Your National Anthem, God You’re So Handsome…”

Still Moving To That Beat… (58.09)

This is one celebrity death,
next to Whitney and Aaliyah,
that effected me the most….

Continue reading “Still Moving To That Beat… (58.09)”


To make a successful television show,
there are an array of characters.
You have your leads, your supporting, the love interest, and the bad guy.
They all need to have certain amount of chemistry in order to fully sell it.
The script also has to be perfect,
and there needs to be a point as to why we will keep on tuning in.

In this reality show of a lifestyle we live,
there are all characters who play a vital role with each other.
There are Foxes, Wolves, Hybrids, Jackals, and Hyenas.
Some of us have great chemistry that helps us ultimately get locked down for another season.
Others, however, are worth just a quick guest role.
It seems when it comes to looking for love as a Fox, everyone else is pairing off with their same roles.
Or, pairing off with roles that should not be assigned to them in the first place.

Has the script been re-written?
Have Wolves started tuning into other Wolves?
Why are Wolves secretly watching Jackals and Hyenas?
And, is the love life of a Fox just simply just being cancelled all together?
I started to wonder…

When has the role of “Fox” not been renewed?


The Wolf Who Cries “I’m Single and Sad” Wolf

Look at him:

Aside from the fact he used his body as a coloring book,
he is actually the Wolf of our fantasies.

He is fine as hell.
He has a body that needs to be fucked, jerked off, or sucked on every night.
And, his lips were made to blow bubbles in your Foxhole.
He is someone I would like to know that I have the pleasure of fucking.
Hopefully his dick game is worth all the effort.

But I picked up something through observation,
which lead me to asking this question…

Continue reading “The Wolf Who Cries “I’m Single and Sad” Wolf”

I’m A Sinner… and I Like it That Way.

Hail Mary, full of grace
Get down on your knees and pray
Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross
Died for our sins, it’s such a loss
Saint Christopher, find my way
I’ll be coming home one day
Saint Sebastian, don’t you cry
Let those poison arrows fly
Saint Anthony, lost and found
Thomas a cryin’, just stand your ground
All those saints and holy men

Catch me before I sin again

I hate Christians.
I do not hate God.
I love him for the fact that he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for me.
But, I really hate Bible Thumpers.
I hate them with a passion.
They are what is wrong with church today.

Where the fuck do you get off trying to tell me about myself?

Continue reading “I’m A Sinner… and I Like it That Way.”

Over My Dead Body
