Hooked, Lined, and Crushed

tumblr_n8sltuTsp41sjnivto1_500god has a funny sense of humor.
he can also be SUCCCCHHH an asshole as well.
the universe,
or whatever you believe in.
“your prototype” will be placed in your life.
your “straight” prototype.
well maybe.
he hooked,
and reeled you in with “something”.
its not like we have a lot of choices within this world.
this life we live isn’t exactly a dating mecca.
we aren’t vixens where they can get it easier.
we have to cross our fingers on hook ups and fast life styles.
ultimately between the random booty calls,
this “prototype” still has a special place in your heart.
even if you only see him for a few seconds,
it feels like a million moments.
yes my friend.
you crushed with your emotions.
the most dangerous way to “crush”.
i had to wonder…

…and how exactly do you stop that?
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The Write Up Un-Heard Around the Office

tumblr_mqamfeBmzf1rwmmmlo1_1280i got my first official write up today.
no woohoo?
oh the reason,
you ask?…

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The Fight of my Life (Round 2015)

53806_muhammad_ali_nokaut1this is one of my favorite pictures.
its muhammad ali looking at his latest victim,
sonny liston,

sit cho blockhead ass down nugga

i want this picture framed after ive made it.
hanging right in my townhouse or condo.
in my living room.
every time i look at it,
it will represent the fight of my life.
always winning even if i thought that i lost.
i know the foxhole is always trying to prove ourselves.
its tiring ain’t it?
we put up a good fight tho.
belee dat!
life is funny.
its like we are always fighting.
fighting people.
fighting ourselves.
fighting our circumstances.
some people have it easy.
they don’t even need to step in the ring of life.
they win just off the strength.
others are always sparring.
always training.

the funny thing is…
these battles are always leading you to where you need to be.
that was my day today.
i’m going to start a timeline of how shit went down…
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This Be The F*ck Sh*t I Be Talmbout

cff6687b390bf2f1e1643d67451a3a5df76bc40e50787902f631f2ffso i turned a fuck shit situation at work into a positive.
you all would be proud.
i won’t lie and say i wasn’t lowkey heated tho.
so for new year’s eve,
everyone was told that they could leave early.
around like 1pm or so.
liar liar allegedly sent it out in an email.
mine must have gotten lost in cyberspace…
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Shut Up Baby and Just Take It (How To Survive War Tactics In Corporate or The Industry)

tumblr_mi6kbbOTOP1r9ulnho2_r1_500corporate america,
like the entertainment industry,
can be one of the mostt cut throat places to work.
people always go into it trying to make these life long friends.
they think because they chill outside of work,
probably telling all their business,
that they have some kind of bond.
well they soon realize that knife,
or a couple daggers and ninja stars,
isn’t really bonded to the other person’s hand.
tumblr_nfbjgtVD1e1tsqmfco1_250and this one:

tumblr_nf5xmh3NU41tcbhsqo2_500although who really knows with that story.
the main reason why with these industries is competition.
how can you really be friends with someone who is in the same hustle as you?
sometimes people who don’t like you will cosign someone your competition.
they will find someone new,
who they think is better than you,
and use them to try and bring you down.
i work in both industries so i got trained pretty quick on how to handle idiots.
i learned who i need to clap back at,
and who i just need to wait because they will ultimately bury themselves.
this new wolf seems like he will be the latter
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I’m Not Your Favorite and You Prove It Daily

tumblr_m829h6uo3x1rntg4bo1_500you won’t always be the “people’s choice”.
you’re black,
and no doubt good looking.
you probably know how to dress.
you’re smart.
kinda quiet.
some people don’t know how to figure you out.
you can do everything in your power to play “nice”.
bake cookies,
rescue a cat from a tree,
or stop a missile headed straight to the us with the help of superman…
it won’t mean shit!
some people will simply just not stand your ass.
well that is unless you are “the favorite”.
the life for “the favorite” is fantastic.
so i had to wonder,
in order to stop conflict and keep the peace

Should we all strive to become “the favorite”?…

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